Enabling Prerequisites

This article details the steps taken by System Admins to enable Prerequisities.

NOTE: While the ability to add prerequisites makes it easier for volunteers to sign up for required trainings and orientations, there are business practices to be considered .  System Admins should only enable these features for trained users.  It is not recommended that you enable this feature for Partner Staff.  If desired you can use permission sets to enable it for designated staff and partner staff users.

To learn more about permission sets, see this Salesforce post

Enabling Profile Access

Prerequisites are already enabled for System Admins, if you are not enabling for any other profile, then continue to the "Adding the Button to the Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout" section below.  To enable for Staff profile follow these steps.

Go to Setup -> Profiles -> and click on Staff.


HOC 2.0 users only.  If enabling for Partner Staff see the section for "Granting Access to the Customer Portal" before modifying the profile.


It is recommended that you grant Create and Edit access to staff and other profiles.  I you want to allow Staff users to edit prerequisites created by other users, then you'll need to either create a sharing rule (see below) or select the Delete and Modify All options for the profile.

All the field permissions are already granted and can't be edited.

Once you have updated the object permissions, click Save.

Repeat for all profiles that you wish to enable the functionality for.

Sharing Settings to allow Staff profile to Modify All Prerequisite Records (only needed if you do not enable Modify All in the profile step above)

Sharing Settings to allow Staff profile to Modify All Prerequisite Records (only needed if you do not enable Modify All in the profile step above)

Go to Setup -> Security Controls -> Sharing Settings

Scroll down to Prerequisite Sharing Rules and click New


Click Save and select OK for the pop-up message.

Granting Access to the Customer Portal (Only needed if enabling for Partner Staff in HOC 2.0

Prerequisites are not available for partner staff in HOC 3.0  3.0 users can ignore this step as the sharing portal is not controlled through Salesforce for 3.0 users.

Granting Access to the Customer Portal (Only needed if enabling for Partner Staff or Employee Coordinator)

Granting Permission to the Visualforce Pages

The visualforce page associated with the Prerequites are already enabled for System Admins.  If you wish to enable them for Staff or other profiles, follow these steps.  


System Admins should go to Setup -> Develop -> Pages.

Locate the PrerequistePage page.

Click on Security next to PrerequisitePage


Select the Available Profile desired and add them to the Enabled Profiles column.

Click Save.

Repeat for the PrerequisiteRelated page.

Adding the Button to Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout

Go to Setup -> Create -> Objects -> select Volunteer Opportunity.

On the Volunteer Opportunity Detail Page, scroll down to the page layouts related list and select the desired page layout and click Edit, for our example we will use Staff Occurrence Layout v3.



Adding Prerequisite Related List to the Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout

There are two related lists available for the Prerequistes

Required Prerequisites - This will list the prerequisite associated with the volunteer opportunity record.

Used as Prerequisites - This will list the volunteer opportunities associated with the prerequisites.

You can add one or both of these to your page layouts.


Adding "Used as Prerequisite" checkbox field to Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout

Adding "Used as Prerequisite" checkbox field to Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout

Used as Prerequisite is already available for Staff and System Admin profile.  If you wish to add the field for Partner Staff, you will need to grant them Read access to the field.

NOTE: Because System Administrators are able to override 'read only' instructions on page layouts - please go into the System Administrator Profile and change the field level permission for the volunteer opportunity object's field "Used as Prerequisite" to VIEW  (but not edit).  This will prevent a system administrator from manually editing this auto-populated field.

Adding PrerequisiteRelated to the Contact page layout

Adding PrerequisiteRelated to the Contact page layout

Go to Setup -> Customize -> Contacts -> Page Layouts -> select Admin Contact Layout (Volunteer)

Recommended placement for the PrerequisiteRelated visualforce component is described below.


Repeat for Staff Contact Layout (Volunteer) and any additional page layouts as desired.

Note: Even if you don't grant the ability for Staff to create prerequisites, you can still grant them access to the PrerequisteRelated page and add it to the page layout.


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