Registering to be a Partner Organization

Organizations that wish to post volunteer opportunities on your website and manage volunteer sign-ups first need to register to be a partner organization

They navigate to the "For Organizations" portion of the website, which by default will bring them to the Become a Partner Page

Note:  Like all pages in HOC, the /partnership page is optional.  You can customize the navigation to go directly to the partner registration page if you desire.

They navigate to the "For Organizations" portion of the website, which by default will bring them to the Become a Partner Page

About Partnership

About Partnership

The contents of this page are customizable in the CMS. This is where you can message potential nonprofit, government, civic, or faith-based organizations on how they can partner with your organization to recruit volunteers.  You can create links to any documents you want to make available to them, and the Sign Up / Registration link in the subnavigation will take them to an online form at /organization-sign-up where they can enter their basic information into your HandsOn Connect Database as a potential partner.

Sign Up / Registration Page

Sign Up / Registration Page

The fields that are present on the organization sign-up page can be customized in the CMS.  Organizations with the optional Advanced Registration System (ARS) can deeply customize the registration process, and include additional pages allowing direct upload of documents, charging membership fees, and getting additional information during the registration process.

Organizations enter their basic information into this form which is populated to the HandsOn Connect Database.

After the form is submitted the Success page is displayed.

After the form is submitted the Success page is displayed.

This page can be customized in the WYSYWYG editor with further instructions on your business processes for partner organizations.

After the form is submitted, an email notification is sent to your organization's Partner Approval Manager notifying them of the submission

After the form is submitted, an email notification is sent to your organization's Partner Approval Manager notifying them of the submission

Instructions on approving partner organizatioins and granting them log-in access to the 'partner customer portal" are found in Lesson 2 of this training.

An email is also sent to the partner organization who submitted the form notifying them that their application is being reviewed.

An email is also sent to the partner organization

An email is also sent to the partner organization

The contents of all email templates can be customized to meet your business needs.


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