How to Upgrade Your Click & Pledge App

In order to request this update/upgrade, visit the Click & Pledge Salesforce Upgrade Request Forum.

When requesting free upgrade assistance on the Click & Pledge Forum, please be sure to first grant "Click & Pledge Support" access to your Salesforce instance and include the following information:

Organization: Your Organization's Name
Click & Pledge account number: 5-digit C&P Id 
Your Salesforce instance organization ID: 15- or 18-digit Salesforce Organization ID
Click & Pledge app version: Current installed version (looks similar to: 9.1612080007)
Granting support access
1. Go to personal settings

2. Click on Grant Account Login Access and grant the Click & Pledge application 7 days of access

How do I know my C&P app version?
Go to Setup and click on Installed Packages  

How do I know my Salesforce ID?
Go to Setup and click on Company Information. Scroll down to your ID