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  • <p>We have had several HOC customers say that they wanted to be able to export a report, that includes the Volunteer Opportunity Name and also its description.</p> <p>The problem is: In order to make project descriptions look attractive on the public site, project descriptions are created in the WYSIWYG editor and are made up of html.</p> <p>As a result, you can only get html project descriptions in reports.</p> <p>However -- if its important to you to be able to do this (because you need a 'hard copy' of your projects and their descriptions - there is a somewhat painless way you can do it through some easy manual manipulation.</p>
  • <p>We often want to know how many connections a volunteer had in a given time period. And there is a stock report in HandsOn Connect that can answer that question for you:</p> <p>You'll find it in the HOC Basic Reports Folder: &quot;# of Connections per vol (Calendar Yr)</p> <p></p> <p></p>
  • <p>When certains kinds of records in your database are missing required fields, it can cause problems in your system such as volunteer opportunities not showing up on your public site when intended, encountering error messages when trying to edit the records and at the most dire breaking your public site. Even though we advise you time and time again not to delete records in your system, we recognize that key data sometimes is deleted by accident. Never fear, we have installed some tools to help you diagnose the problem.</p>
  • <p>The easiest way to test the content and merge fields in your email templates is to simulate the conditions under which they are sent from the public site using a test account. That'll absolutely show you what happens.</p> <p>Salesforce does provide a way to test from the email template interface -- but it can be a little tricky. Here's what you need to know.</p>
  • <p>If you have recently made or are about to make staffing changes to your Opportunity Approval Manager, please follow these steps to transition HandsOn Connect to the new approval manager. &nbsp;These steps will ensure that your new Opportunity Approval Manager gets all the notifications they should of new opportunities and occurrences being submitted and of changes to existing opportunities and occurrences. &nbsp;If the new approval manager is new to your staff you will first need to set them up with a user login for Salesforce and then follow the steps below.</p>
  • <p></p>
  • <p>This lesson assumes that you have already imported contacts into the system for the users that you wish to create and that you have already set up the Apex Data Loader.</p>
  • <p>The Apex Data Loader is currently the only way to bulk upload Connections into HandsOn Connect. This walks you through connecting a list of Contacts to a specific Occurrence. The tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of Salesforce reporting and that you have set up the Apex Data Loader.</p>
  • <p>HandsOn Connect has hidden fields that allow you to easily count the number of objects in a report.</p> <p>There are &quot;number of&quot; fields for:</p> <ul><li>Number of Contacts</li> <li>Number of Organizations</li> <li>Number of Connections</li> <li>Number of Occurrences</li> <li>Number of Volunteer Opportunities</li> </ul> <p>For example, in a report that shows all the occurrences that took place in a given time period, you could group the occurrences by the volunteer opportunity name -- but what if you wanted to know how many volunteer opportunities that represented?</p>
  • <p>Number fields can be summarized so that you are able to see summaries of numeric information -- </p>