HandsOn Connect DocumentationTraining for All Users (staff and administrators)TeamsTeam OverviewWhat happens when a captain submits a team from the public site?

What happens when a captain submits a team from the public site?

When a captain creates a team the following takes place:

An email is sent to every team member who has an email address

Invitations to 'join' the team are sent to every team member who has an email address

Anyone who does not have a log-in is invited to come to the site, and register for a volunteer account.

Those with no emails get nothing - and its up to the captain to take responsibility for them.

On the admin site, several records are created and/or updated:

A Volunteer Team Record is created

A Volunteer Team Record is created

A record for the custom object "Volunteer Team" is created.  It has the following fields:

  • Owner  This is the name of the API user in your system, that 'owns' all records created via the public site.
  • Volunteer Team Name
  • Organization Text - The organization name that was submitted when they created the team (if it was populated). This is a text field.
  • Organization -- This is a lookup field to an organization.  Like the Employer field in the Contact Record -- it is just a placeholder for info.   The organization field is a lookup - and can only be populated (if you desire) with the name of an actual organization in the system.   (You can lookup the actual organization is if its in your database and associate this team with a real organization).
  • Status:  a picklist designated the status of the team.  It is set to Active, but can be changed to Inactive, if you administratively wish to remove the team from their view on the public site.
  • Total Members:  An auto-summed formula field that counts the number of members on the team who are in Confirmed Status.   (It does not count "Former" team members who have removed themselves from the team."
  • Hours Served - an auto populated formula field to count the total hours served by the organization.

A volunteer Team Member record is created for each team member

A volunteer Team Member record is created for each team member

It has the following fields:

  • Team Volunteer ID - a record number, sequentially created for each new Volunteer Team Member record, with the prefix VTM
  • Volunteer Team:  A lookup field to an existing team in the system
  • Contact: a lookup to the contact record for that team member
  • Team Member Email:  the email that was submitted by the team captain  (blank if they did not submit one)
  • Status: a picklist with two valid values

       -  Confirmed - The team member logged in or registered, and ACCEPTED the team invitation

       -  Former -- The team member has removed themselves from the team or the team captain has removed them.

- Pending and Declined - (these statuses are no longer used for team members, but still may be found in the picklist for compatibility with earlier versions of HOC).

Note:  Team Captains may sign up team members for volunteer opportunities, but not if the team member status is  Former.

  • Hours Served:  An auto-calculated field, that totals the hours of service as a member of that team.
  • Captain - a checkbox.  It will be checked if they are designated as a captain.

Only captains can sign up team members for volunteer opportunities!

There is a related list to the connections for this team member.

The email address submitted is used to determine whether a new contact should be created or not!

The email address submitted is used to determine whether a new contact should be created or not!

If the email address for an invited team member does not already exist in the system, a new Contact Record will be created.   The contact will be created with the registration status Pending (Team Registration).

It will remain in this state until someone tries to register as a volunteer using that email address.  (They will probably do so as a result of the email notification).

If the email of the invitee already exists in the system -- no change will be made to the contact or their status.  But you'll be able to see in the related list that they are a pending (or confirmed) member of the team.

When someone registers on the site and a contact already exists that is Pending (Team Registration) status -- the status will be changed to confirmed, and volunteer login access will be granted.  They will then have a profile of Volunteer.


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