Working with Fields in Records

Salesforce has many different types of fields, many of which are identified by symbols or markings.

Required Fields

Required Fields

fields with a red bar to the left of them are Required Fields.  You will be unable to save the record if these are not populated.


Help is available for many fields

Help is available for many fields

Help is available for fields that have a small yellow questionmark next to them.  Hovering over the questionmark symbol will open a yellow pop-up window with information about the field.

Many Fields are hyperlinked - which takes you to the record or URL associated with the link.

Hovering over a link that is connected to data in another record, will cause a hover menu to appear with some additional information about that record.

You can then choose to view or edit the related record.

Clickinig on the link will take you directly to that related record.



Picklist: - a dropdown menu that allows you to select one value




Multi Picklists:  These are lists of choices where you can select more than one value. When you edit you get a box showing values that are available and those that are chosen. You can move values from being chosen or not by clicking on a value and then clicking the triangle that moves them from one side to the other.



Date Fields

Date Fields

Date Field - Clicking on a date field opens up a calendar.  You can either select the date from the calendar OR manually type it in in the format x/xx/xxxx

Date and Time Field

Date and Time Field

Date & Time Field - This is one field that has both the date and the time in one field.  Matching the required format of this field is important when working with these fields which are used for date and time specific volunteer occurrences and connections in HandsOn Connect.



Checkboxes:  These have a value of TRUE or FALSE.  Checking the box gives it a value of True.

Lookup Fields

Lookup Fields

Lookup Fields:  These fields have a small hourglass which allows you to search for an existing record in the system.  (Clicking on the magnifying glass opens a llokup/search popup.

Lookup fields can only be populated with values that exist in the system as they are used to relate one object to another.  (Note: Some lookup fields have restrictions coded in them that only allow certain values to be found in the system).

There are many other types of fields you'll encounter as you work with HandsOn Connect and Salesforce.


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