Getting Started: Accessing your Salesforce Account

First, we'll give your system administrator access to your Salesforce Account.  The Sys Admin will get an email notification:

First, we'll give your system administrator access to your Salesforce Account.  The Sys Admin will get an email notification:

The Salesforce instance that we've set up for your organization had a default System Administrator.  We will be changing that default system administrator account over to YOUR system administrator by resetting the name of that user and the email address of that user. The system administrator will receive an email notifying them that "You have requested to change your email address"

Click on the link to confirm this change.

You'll also get a notice that your password has been reset.   You'll get a new temporary password, and a link to set your NEW password.

Your Username is going to be your email address.  After you log-in with your temporary password, you will be prompted to create a new password. Salesforce prefers secure passwords with mix of letters and alpha characters, and a CAP character.   (Other users we have already set up in the system will also get email reset notices like this.  This will include your Partner Approval Manager, Opportunity Approval Manager and Volunteer Leader Approval Manager.

Change Your Password Screen

Change Your Password Screen

The System Administrator will add the remaining users to the system, and send out welcoming emails to the rest of your internal staff.

The System Administrator will add the remaining users to the system, and send out welcoming emails to the rest of your internal staff.

You can have nine active licensed users in your system.  (1 of your ten licenses will be named 'client administrator" and that account is used by HandsOn Connect staff to administer and maintain your account.)

When you access your account for the first time, you'll be asked to set up a security "challenge question"

After you have created your account you can Login at at any time by clickiing on the Customer Login Button

After you have created your account you can Login at at any time by clickiing on the Customer Login Button

Logging in is how you will access your adminstrative / staff access to HandsOn Connect.

It's easier to just bookmark which takes you directly to the login screen.  

It's easier to just bookmark which takes you directly to the login screen.

Your user ID is your email address.  

The password is the one you selected

You may have to activate your computer if no one at your ip address has set-up an account yet!

You may have to activate your computer if no one at your ip address has set-up an account yet!

Any time you login to your account from a new ip address, you'll have to activate your account access once again.  Salesforce keeps track of the safe and approved IP addresses you've authorized for your account.  If you use a laptop at home or for travelling, you'll run into this screen from time to time.

Click on Email me a verificaiton code: and you'll be sent an email with a code:

Enter the verification code into the screen in your browser - and your log-in will complete!


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