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Updated on: Oct 23, 2018
Administratively Creating a Volunteer Team
Manual Teams -
Updated on: Oct 23, 2018
What happens when a captain submits a team from the public site?
<p>When a captain creates a team the following takes place:</p>Manual Teams -
Updated on: Oct 23, 2018
Rules governing team creation on the public site
<p>The "Create a Team" form on the public site is very flexible and forgiving. It was built to allow a variety of scenarios that might exist when creating a team.</p> <p>Ideally people will fill in all the fields, but if they don't messages advise you on fields that must be filled in before creating a team. There are a number of possible variations, and this post will tell you the 'rules' over what is minimally required. </p>Manual Teams -
Updated on: Oct 23, 2018
(Optional) Occurrence Names and Descriptions
Manual Using the Sharing Portal -
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
(Advanced Feature) How to add names and descriptions to individual occurrences
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
Skilled Volunteer Search
<p>When you have a volunteer opportunity that is associated with one or more skills, then you can run a search to find volunteers in the database who match those skills.</p> <p>Once you've found a match, you can 'invite' those volunteers to look at, and sign up, for the volunteer opportunity.</p> -
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
Both Volunteers and Volunteer Opportunities have skill ratings associated with them
<p>We saw earlier in this manual how you can <a href="../../opportunities/l/32584?data-resolve-url=true&data-manual-id=3428" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="6DC52645-4591-4A09-AED2-146916199956" data-object-manual-uuid="2C38AF20-E3D9-012F-D5C1-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">associate skill ratings to a volunteer opportunity</a>. </p> <p>Volunteers can set up a skill profile on the public site, and you can also view and edit the skill profiles for individual volunteers,</p> <p>Here's how you can administratively view the skills associated with individual volunteers.</p> -
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
Self-Reported Volunteer Opportunities for organizations not already in your database (new, potential partners)
<p>When a volunteer self-reports an opportunity on the public site, for an organization that is not an 'active partner' of your organization -- it creates a self-reported volunteer connection, and triggers an email to be sent to the contact they designate with that organization - encouraging them to contact you and become a partner.</p> -
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
Self-Reported Volunteer Opportunities & Occurrences for your existing organizations
<p>When a volunteer self-reports a new opportunity with one of your existing partners, a new connection record is created.</p> <p>The Primary Contact for your partner organization receives an email alerting them that a volunteer has 'submitted hours for verification'. </p> <p> </p> -
Updated on: Oct 22, 2018
How volunteers can join the waitlist for occurrences that have no space remaining
<p>Each occurrence of a volunteer opportunity has a maximum number of sign-ups that are allowed, as defined in the occurrence record.</p> <p>When an occurrence reaches capacity, volunteers are given the option of adding themselves to a wait list for that opportunity. (Waitlists are for Date and Time Specific Opportunities, but not for Individually Scheduled Opportunities where a volunteer can have multiple connections)</p>