Granting a Contact Public Site Access as a Volunteer
Most volunteers will receive portal access and have their contact and user records created by registering on the public website.
However, there may be times where you've created a contact administratively and then want to create a volunteer account and login for them administratively.
In a contact record you can see whether a volunteer has been granted portal access
In the contact overview - a checkbox appears if login access has been granted (i.e. a User Record for this contact exists).
The profile here is listed as Volunteer. So we know they have access to the volunteer portal.
If the checkbox is NOT present next to "Login Access Granted" then you'll know they do not yet have a User Record and login access.
You can automatically create a User record, license and assign the volunteer profile to a contact by using the shortcut link on the Contact Overview
Click on "Grant Portal Login" in the Contact Overview dashboard in the HandsOn Connect Shortcuts section of the contact record.
Before you can grant portal access the following fields MUST be populated or you will get an alert saying required fields are missing.
- Primary Address
- Primary Phone
- Birthdate
- Volunteer Type: (must be set as "volunteer")
if these are not set - then you will get a warning that required fields are missing. Correct the fields, save the record and click on the Grant Portal Login link again.
When you click on the link - a picklist will appear allowing you to grant them portal access as either a Volunteer or Volunteer Leader.
(Note: If the organization for the contact is one of your active partner organizations, you'll also see an option to grant them "Partner Staff" access.)
Select Volunteer.
Volunteer Profile login access is then granted!
Behind the scenes - a User record has now been created for this contact.
The system will send two emails to the contact notifying them that an account has been created for them. One notifies them. The other has login and password info.
Password notification email text
When they log in with the temporary password in this email, they will be asked to create a new password for their account. They will then have full access to the volunteer portal.
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