Granting one contact partner staff access to manage multiple organizations in sharing portal
For HOC customers using the March 2018 release or later - its possible for one contact to be given access to the sharing portal for multiple organizations.
In order to use this advanced feature your system administrator must first add a related list to the contact page layout and one to the account page layout. See this post for instructions on Enabling ability for one contact to serve as partner staff for multiple organizations.
Note: Once a contact is granted partner staff access for multiple organizations, they will log into the sharing portal to create opportunities for each organization they manage.
On the administrative side, Salesforce administrators will only be able to assign this contact as Opportunity Coordinator for the organization they have a 'direct' relationship to.
In order to administratively make someone a volunteer coordinator for one of their other 'related' organizations, you should log into the sharing portal as this contact, and you can then create the opportunity directly in the sharing portal with this person as opportunity coordinator.
Note: This is the procedure for HandsOn Connect instances in the 'standard configuration". (Unless you've been informed you are in the 'Flex" configuration, you are in the HOC Standard Configuration.
If your organization is in the 'Flex Configuration" see this article on granting partner staff access.
In HOC 3.0 -- A contact's Main Organization is the one that corresponds with the Organization Name in their contact record. They are granted partner staff access by clicking on "Change Profile" and at that time they have access to the sharing portal to manage that organization.
In the screenshot below, Art Trout has partner staff access for the Organization Troutco.
You use the related organizations related list to add additional organizations that Art can access and manage in the sharing portal. Here's how to do this:
1) Click on the "Add Relationship" button. This will open a New Organization Contact Relationship record
2) Choose another active partner organization you wish Art to be able to manage.
3) Set the value of HOC Access to "Partner Staff"
4) Save the Record.
Note: The field 'roles' is entirely optional - but can be customized and used to keep track of the relationship detail that this contact has with this other organization. In this example we have customized the picklist values in the roles field and added the value "Opportunity Coordinator" and "Primary Contact" - so we will keep track of the fact that Art's relationship to Xavier's School is he is an opportunity coordinator for them. .
The related list will now show two organizations that Art can manage:
He is a direct contact for Troutco (it isn't necessary that he be granted HOC Access for his main organization), but he has also been granted Access as Partner Staff to "Xaviers School...." He is now able to manage both organizations. In the next step we'll show you how!
When Art logs in to the sharing portal, he's given a welcome screen which allows him to choose which organization he wishes to manage.
He can choose either organization:
Once logged into an organization - he is able to manage that organization. Only that one organizations volunteer opportunities, connections, contacts etc will be accessible to him at one time.
He can see which organization he is currently managing on the left sidebar. The organization logo also appears:
To switch organizations, he just needs to click on the picklist dropdown to the right of the organization name. Doing so will reopen the organization selector screen and he can quickly switch to any other organization he has access to manage, without logging out and starting over.
Each organizations data is kept separate and not co-mingled across multiple organizations. But the user can quickly shift between any number of organizations they have access to manage.
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