Data Table Templates for HandsOn Connect
Here are the links to the Data tables to be used for data migrations.
These files are updated regularly as changes are made to HandsOn Connect. When you open the table below, go to File and select "Download as" and select the "CSV (Current Sheet)" and save it to your local system before you begin to populate the tables. You will find a different sheet for each object.
The first tab is a Notes tab to with key and overall information with additional links to helpful documentation. The last two tabs include information on standard dropdown values as well as the master set of fields included in or utilized by HandsOn Connect.
Additional tables for Nonprofit Success Pack Users are included in that FULL SET.
- Households*
- Donations
- Relationships
*note - for NPSP users using the Household Account Model (and not the Household object), include the Household import ID in the Contact Table and list Households on the Account/Organization tab in order to link multiple contacts to the same Household Account.
In addition to the table here is a tip sheet with notes on Excel shortcuts and checklist to make sure you have the required fields and correct picklists:
Required Fields and Picklist Checklist
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