What will and won't appear for check-in in the Kiosk?

The Check-In Kiosk's operation will vary depending on the configuration you've chosen for the check-in Kiosk.  This will determine whether or not guests can check-in (and how), and whether or not teams can check-in.  The configuration also determines whether or not the check-in / check-out functionality exists in your kiosk.

This article will give you additional information about which volunteer opportunity types, and connection types will or won't appear for check-in.

Date & Time Specific Opportunities can be used with the check-in kiosk

Date & time specific opportunities, where both the Volunteer Opportunity and the Occurrence are in active status are available for checking-in via the kiosk.

What about Date & Time specific opportunities/occurrences in Admin status?

Volunteers who have existing connections to opportunities where either the Volunteer Opportunity or the Occurrence is in admin status will be able to check-in for those connections.

However, guest check-in is not available for opportunities/occurrences in admin status.  Guest check-in is only available for active opportunities / occurrences.

The function of admin status for opportunities and occurrences is that connections to these occurrences are made administratively only and volunteers can not sign up for these opportunities via the public site.  So for that reason, they do not appear in kiosk search as valid opportunities to check-in for.

However -- those with existing connections to these opportunities, WILL be able to check-in for them.

Private Opportunities (with invitation codes)

Volunteers who have an existing connection to an opportunity where the Volunteer Opportunity is private and requires an invitation code will be able to check-in for their existing connection.

By default, guests are not able to check in for private opportunities, however, if you request that we activate the option "Allow Guests to Check-in for Private Opportunities" , then private opportunities WILL appear in the check-in kiosk for anyone to check-in for, on the day of the occurrence.

Individually Scheduled Opportunities with Schedule

If a volunteer has a confirmed or pending Connection to an Individually Scheduled Opportunity (express interest with schedule), they will be able to check-in for it via the check-in kiosk.

At the present time, guests will NOT be able to check-in for ISO opportunities.  The ability for guests to check in for ISOs with schedule may be implemented in a future release.

Individually Scheduled Opportunity (Express Interest Only)

If a volunteer has a confirmed Connection to an ISO (express interest only), they will be able to check-in via the kiosk.

They will not however, be able to check-in if their connection is still in pending status  (as in pending status, the connection does not have information about which day will be checking in).

So to use the check-in kiosk for ISO (express interest only),  you must confirm the connection (indicating the start date and time, end date and time) of the connection.

At the present time, guests will NOT be able to check-in for ISO (express interest only) opportunities.  The ability for guests to check in for ISOs (express interest only) may be implemented in a future release.


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