Signing up for date and time specific opportunities

Clicking on sign-up from an opportunity detail page initiates the sign-up process:

Click on the sign up button to begin the sign-up process

Click on the sign up button to begin the sign-up process

Each opportunity can present additional questions of volunteers before they complete the sign-up process.

Additional questions can be asked either using HOC's "volunteer questions" functionality, OR significantly more can be added to the Volunteer Opportunity Sign-Up Process. (additional questions, forms to fill out, donations or fees paid, etc) if you are using the optional "Advanced Registration System" add-on for HandsOn Connect.

Each opportunity can present additional questions of volunteers before they complete the sign-up process.

When you've answered the additional question(s) click on the SUBMIT button.


Restrictions are checked before completing sign-up

Restrictions are checked before completing sign-up

If any restrictions have been placed on sign-up a popup will advise the volunteer of why they cannot sign up for this opportunity.

Restrictions may include:

  • inappropriate age
  • orientation required
  • background check required
  • not appropriate for court-ordered volunteers

If the occurrence has reached its sign-up limit and option to be a put on a waiting list is presented.

If the occurrence has reached its sign-up limit and option to be a put on a waiting list is presented.

If the opportunity has reached its sign-up limit, the system will offer the volunteer a chance to be put on a waiting list where they will be notified via email if spaces for that occurrence become available.

Upon successful sign-up a SUCCESS page is reached and emails are sent out

Upon successful sign-up a SUCCESS page is reached and emails are sent out

The success page content tells the volunteer their sign-up has succeeded.

  1. Editable messaging about next steps for the volunteer



Behind the scenes emails are dispatched

Behind the scenes emails are dispatched

An email with information about the opportunity is sent to the volunteer confirming the sign-up.  This includes the full directions to the project location and a link to a google map.

It also provides a link to the volunteer's member center where they can "remove themselves" if they are unable to attend the opportunity.

An email is also sent to the Opportunity Coordinator notifying them of the sign-up and telling them how many 'slots' have been filled.

The My Account page is updated showing the upcoming opportunity and providing a 'remove me' link if the volunteer must cancel

If a volunteer has been placed on a waitlist it will indicate that in the action/status column of their upcoming opportunities

If a volunteer has been placed on a waitlist it will indicate that in the action/status column of their upcoming opportunities

If the Volunteer Opportunity is of the type "Date and Time Specific - Express Interest" - then instead of a signup button, the button will say "Express Interest" and a different success page and email will be sent out.

The volunteer overview will indicate that the upcoming opportunity is "Pending Approval"


Susan Fowler

Question really - is there a way for the volunteer to print out their upcoming activities?

Larry Deckel

There is no special functionality to print upcoming activities, but they can go to their account overview page, and just click 'print' from their browser. Their upcoming opportunities appear on that page at the top of the page.

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