A nice report to make available for Volunteer Leaders
Volunteer Leaders with access to reports, might appreciate a handy little report that shows them all the upcoming occurrences of Volunteer Opportunities where they are the Opportunity Coordinator - as well as as at-a-glance view of the volunteers signed up for each. Here's how to make such a report:
Make a report using report type HOC Vol Opps and Occurrences with/without Connections
Give it a name and description, and save. Place it in the folder that is accessible to your volunteer leaders.
Add the following fields
- Volunteer Opportunity Name (group on this field)
- Occurrence ID
- Connection ID
- Contact: Full Name
- Contact: Primary Phone
- Contact: Email
- Team Name
- Opportunity Coordinator: Full Name
- Number of Connections (Summarize on this field)
Make sure that the volunteer leader profile gives them read access to the fields in the report!
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