A nice report to make available for Volunteer Leaders

Volunteer Leaders with access to reports, might appreciate a handy little report that shows them all the upcoming occurrences of Volunteer Opportunities where they are the Opportunity Coordinator - as well as as at-a-glance view of the volunteers signed up for each.  Here's how to make such a report:

Make a report using report type HOC Vol Opps and Occurrences with/without Connections

Make a report using report type HOC Vol Opps and Occurrences with/without Connections

Give it a name and description, and save.  Place it in the folder that is accessible to your volunteer leaders.

Set the filters as follows:

Set the filters as follows:

Add the following fields

Add the following fields
  • Volunteer Opportunity Name (group on this field)
  • Occurrence ID
  • Connection ID
  • Contact: Full Name
  • Contact: Primary Phone
  • Contact: Email
  • Team Name
  • Opportunity Coordinator: Full Name
  • Number of Connections  (Summarize on this field)

Make sure that the volunteer leader profile gives them read access to the fields in the report!

The resulting report will look like this:

The resulting report will look like this:

This will give your Volunteer Leaders an 'at a glance' look at the occurrences they'll be leading, and who will be attending.


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