Running a Report

Running a report is sometimes as simple as hitting a button.  This lesson will get you familiar with the Run Report Window, basic filters, basic summaries, and sorting your data.

Let's get familiar with the different areas of this screen.

Let's get familiar with the different areas of this screen.

I have chosen to run the report "Contacts Created Last Month" - that is in the HOC Monthly Reports Folder.

Here are some of the features of the report:

1.  The name of the Report

2.  Status of the Current Data

3.  Report Options

4.  Report Menu (and filters if any additional ones are applied)

5.  The data

Number 1 is pretty self explanatory, so let's move on.

2.  Report Generation Status

2.  Report Generation Status

This tells you if ALL the data is available in the report. In this case it is.  But Salesforce has a limit of only showing a maximum of 2000 records.

But let's look at another report for a second - to see what happens when there are more than 2000 records.



Here's a report that says it contains more than 2000 records:

Here's a report that says it contains more than 2000 records:

This report is saying of the 2,106 records that should be in this report, 2,000 are currently listed in the Data below.  To see the full list, in this case, we would need to export this data.  HOC, by default, will only show 2,000 records in the report window.  If your report has more than 2,000 records you will need to export the report to see all the data

Note however that if you are doing summaries and calculated fields in your report - you WILL see accurate calculations based on all the data you've selected.  You just can't view more than 2000 records at one time in Salesforce itself.

3.  Report Options

3.  Report Options

BIG PICTURE:  This is a very quick and mildly powerful way to customize this report.   You have three different Reporting Options (Filters) that will affect the data that the report brings back.

1.  Summarize information by - you can summarize by any field that are listed in the objects associated with this report.  This report, for instance, works with both the Organization and the Contact Objects.

2.  Show:  You can choose whether to show MY organizations, MY contacts, but since 'ownership' has no particular meaning in HandsOn Connect - you should always choose to show ALL.

(Note:  The primary object here is Organizations - and each organization has a contact - so showing all organizations shows all the contacts!)

3.  Time Frame:  This is a way to further refine your search.  You can specify the date field you want to filter on, and the range of dates to show.  So if we wanted to see all contacts based on their orientation completed date, for last year -- then you can filter on those criteria.

The way to get the most information, without filters is to set:

Summary: None

Show:  Whatever option is ALL

Time Frame:  All or Custom


Report Options: Summarize information

Report Options: Summarize information

I can summarize (group) the data on any field in the objects that are part of the report.

Let's say I want to group on the Organizations associated with each contact.

1.  I chose Organization Name from the Summarize Information picklist  

2.  I hit RUN REPORT.

3. I can optionally hit "HIDE Details" (which then changes the button to "Show Details" -- to hide the contact names and just see how many organizations my contacts belonged to, and how many contacts (records) are associated with each organization.

4.  I can see that I have a total of 67 contacts created last month.

Clicking "Show Details" will show me each individual record that has been grouped together if I want to see WHO the contacts are.

Report Option: Time Frame

Report Option: Time Frame

You can also choose to filter records based on a given time frame. You can pick any date field and what range of time you want that field to be filtered by.

If I wanted to see all contacts that had been last modified during the current Calendar Year, I could change these filters like this:

The basic filters always available to you are:

1) Do you want to summarize in some way

2) Which records do you want to show based on ownership (usually ALL)

3) What Time Frame do you want to filter to?

Report Menu

Report Menu

1.  Run Report:  If you have made changes to the report options, you will need to re-run the report to Refresh your data.  This is how you do it.  Also, this is where you can schedule a report to run.  We will cover scheduling later.

2.  Hide Details:  Like we showed you before if you have summarized the information, you can Hide the individual records to only see the summary, and vice versa.

3.  Customize:  If you want to add filters, add fields, add formulas... this is where you do it.  We will go over this some later..

4.  Save:  Do you like the way this report works and runs?  Then you can save it.  This will OVERWRITE the current settings, however, and there is no going back.  

5.  Save As:  If you used this report as a starting point, and then added filters, fields, etc., and have created a new wonderful report.. you can hit Save As!

6.  Delete:  Pretty self explanatory and permanent.

7.  Printable View:  Choose this if you want to print this from the screen as is.

8.  Export Detail:  This is where you can export the report to a Comma separated Values file (.csv) or Excel file (.xls)  We will show you more about this later.

5.  Current Filters

5.  Current Filters

If a report has additional filters added to it, this box shows you how the information is currently filtered.  

1.  To get rid of all filters you would clear them out.  Every filter will have its own clear button.

2.  To Edit the filters, you would hit the Edit button, which would take you to the Customize Report Screen, which we will go over in another lesson.

6.  The Data

6.  The Data

This is the listing of the data that has come back from your report based on options and filters.  The Columns are the object fields and the rows are the Records.  The Column Heading is the Field Name.  To find out all the information about the Record, read across the row, to find out all the different answers in a give field, read down a column.  

You can sort by a Column by hitting the Header name, hit it again to reverse the order (A to Z then Z to A).

Note the links in the record rows.  These will take you to that Record.  Use Control+Click to open in a new Tab.  Clicking an email link will send an email to that person using your default Mail Program.

Let's go on to Scheduling a Report.



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