How to Drill Down to Specific Information

The Drill Down feature gives the User a better understanding of their data and can be used as an analysis tool.  For summary and matrix reports, filter selected rows by a particular field. Select the rows you want to view, choose a field to group by, then click Drill Down. In this lesson we will learn to drill down to get more specific information.  Using the Drill Down Feature allows you to get more specific information.

This allows you to use one stock report that has the fields you are interested in, and get a lot of different answers from it - without creating and saving a seperate report.

Find a report you want to work with.

Find a report you want to work with.

In the Customize Report WIndow, I am using a report that only contains the Object Volunteer Opportunities.  I dragged in Opportunity Name, Start Date, City, State and Primary Impact Area in to the report.  I am viewing all Opportunities and there are currently no filters on this report

Group the Report

Group the Report

In my case, I am going to Group by state, because I know that is how I want to eliminate records I don't want to see.  Change the Format from Tabular to Summary, and drop in State, hide the details and  then run your report

Choose the summary fields you want to work with.

Choose the summary fields you want to work with.

Using the check box next to the grouped field, check the states where you want to see the information.  I am only interested in the 55 records in California.  This basically creates a filter that says:  "State equals "CA"

Choose your Drill Down Field

Choose your Drill Down Field

At the bottom of the list, there is a dropbox populated with all the fields available in your report.  I am going to choose to drill down by Primary Impact Area.  The results should be all CA opportunities and their respective Primary Impact Area.

Check your results

Check your results

The Drill down created a filter for the State = CA (See the Filtered By: at the top of the Data) and then grouped by the Drill down.  I know this is working because the total number of records is 55.   I can now choose to show the detail, or I can drill down further by checking the rows I want to see and creating another drill down.  I want  the bottom 5 Impact Areas and I want to see What cities they are in.

See your results

See your results

Hmmmmmmmmm... they are all in Riverside.  Interesting.   I can also remove these filters and drill downs by using the "CLEAR" and Edit buttons at the top.  You can also do this in the Customize Report Window.


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