Enabling Advanced Occurrence Options

This article describes how to enable the following advanced options for occurrences:

  • Include Pending for Max Attendance
  • Maximum Waitlist
  • Turn off Waitlist
  • Turn off Teams
  • Turn off Individual Signups
  • Allow Reservations of Anonymous Slots
  • Requires Invitation From / Invitation Code

These advanced options can also be enabled at the Volunteer Opportunity level (which means the settings affect all Occurrences), and at the Volunteer Event level. (which would make them apply to all volunteer opportunities and occurrences that are part of the event).

Update profiles to allow read and edit access to the fields you wish to make available

Some of these fields may already be enabled for system admin and staff... but go to all the profiles that are using HandsOn Connect, and ensure that they have read and write access to each of these fields you wish to make available for use.

Setup / Profile /  choose the profile, and then choose the object(s) you wish to enable these features for. (They are available to add for occurrences, volunteers opportunities and Volunteer Events.

Add the field(s) to the Page Layout

Select the occurrence page layout(s) you are using for System Admin and Staff,.  You'll then want to add new fields to the page layout.



Click the arrow to the right and select 'edit' for the layout you wish to edit.

(If you're using HOC Lightning, you might be using the HOC 3.1 Occurrence Layout or the HOC 3.1 Occurrence Layout (Advanced)

Add a new section (if the section isn't already there)

Add a new section

You can add the fields wherever you desire on the page layout you select; however, we recommend that you create a new section called "Advanced Options" that follows the Registration Information section on the Occurrence Page Layout you are using if its not already there.

Add fields

Add fields

Here's a suggested layout for this section which includes all the available 'advanced occurrence options" (as seen in lightning)

Extending Advanced Occurrence Options to the Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout

While often these 'advanced occurrence options' might be applied only to one or two occurrences, what if you want ALL occurrences of the opportunity to automatically 'turn off teams' or 'allow reservations of anonymous slots'?     If you don't want to have to set these settings for each occurrence of an opportunity - you can also apply these fields at the Volunteer Opportunity Level.    When you do this - ALL occurrences of that opportunity will have that advanced setting applied to them.   You won't see this in the occurrence record - but if its set at the Volunteer Opportunity level - then all occurrences of that Opportunity are affected by the setting, and there's no need to worry about the advanced settings in the individual occurrences.  Here's how to update the Volunteer Opportunity Layout IF you want any of these advanced options to apply to all the opportunities occurrences:

Add a new section to the Volunteer Opportunity Page Layout you are using:

Label this section "Advanced Options (Affects all existing and new occurrences).

You'll find the same fields available in the Volunteer Opportunity Object.  Just add them to this section in your page layout.  Add as many of these fields as you wish to use.

The volunteer opportunity layout would then look like this:

Updating any of these fields in the volunteer opportunity record will put those settings into affect for all that opportunity's occurrences!

Allowing Invitation Codes at the Occurrence Level (private occurrences)

Another advanced option is the ability to add invitation code at the Occurrence Level (instead of making all occurrences of a volunteer opportunity require an invitation code).

When a Volunteer Opportunity contains multiple private occurrences alongside non-private occurrences, the Volunteer Opportunity will appear in search. However, the private occurrences can still only be viewed after entering the invitation code. 

For information on adding invitation codes to Occurrences see Release Notes, October 2019



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