How to Change Your Partner Approval Manager
If you have recently made or are about to make staffing changes to your Partner Approval Manager, please follow these steps to transition HandsOn Connect to the new approval manager. These steps will ensure that your new Partner Approval Manager gets all the notifications they should of new partners and partner changes. If the new approval manager is new to your staff you will first need to set them up with a user login for Salesforce and then follow the steps below.
Change Control Panel Setting
To change the Partner Approval Manager lookup field in all organization records, 1) go to the Control Panel tab and 2) click on Site Configuration.
Change Partner Approval Manager
Scroll down to the HandsOn Connect System Defaults section in the control panel and 1) look up the new approval manager, 2) check Apply to ALL Orgs (if they are going to be the approval manager for all organizations) and 3) click Save. After you click save the check in the Apply to ALL Orgs will disappear but it should have pushed the change to all organizations.
If you get any error messages from Salesforce after doing this, you'll need to see if some of your organization records are missing required fields that are preventing the batch update from taking place. If you do - open a support ticket and we'll help you track down which organizations are missing required information.
Check Partner Approval Manager on Organization Records
You should spot check several organization records to make sure the change was successfully made. Sometimes there is bad data in the system that may prevent the change from being applied globally. If that is a case open a help desk ticket in ZenDesk so we can help you diagnose the issue. You could also create a list view of nonprofit organization showing the partner approval manager and make sure it is the same for all.
Partner Approval Manager Public Group
Next you should go to Setup/Administration Setup/Manage Users and click on Public Groups. Find the public group named Partner Approval Manager and click on the name.
In the Partner Approval Manager group you will see a list of all users assigned to that group. Click on Edit.
Add New Partner Approval Manager to Group
Next in the search box 1) select Users and 2) remove the old Partner Approval Manager and 3) add the new manager and 4) click save. The New Organization Registered and Organization Profile Update Notification email alerts are both set to be sent to the members of the Partner Approval Manager public group so you don't need to go to those email alerts and make the change as long as you update the public group.
If you want more than one person on your staff to receive email notification when a new partner applies, you can add additional users to this group.
Check that the email alert "New Organization Registered" is being sent to the Partner Approval Manager Group
In some older instances of HOC this might have been set to an individual user. Update it if necessary to use the Group.
Edit Approval Task User
Go to Setup/App Setup/Create/Workflows and Approvals and click on Tasks. Find the "New Organization has registered" task and click edit next to it.
Change Assigned User
In the Assigned To field do a lookup to the new Partner Approval Manager and select them and then click save. You have now completed all of the steps needed to change the Partner Approval Manager for your organization.
The new Partner Approval Manager will now receive all email alerts and tasks when a new partner organization registers and when an existing organization edits its organization record.
Make sure Your HOC Customer Record reflects the New Partner Approval Manager
Go to your HOC Customer organization record (the one for your organization). You can find that by going to the Organization Tab and clicking on the view named HOC Customer then click on your organization name.
Change Partner Approval Manager
Once you're in your HOC Customer record for your organization scroll down to the Designate How Volunteer Opportunities are Approved section and make sure the new Partner Approval Manager is correct in the HOC Customer Record. If not, select the new partner approval manager in the lookup field. Your new Partner Approval Manager should be all set to start approving new partners now.
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