Notifications to waitlisted volunteers when space becomes available in an occurrence

Whenever the number of connections for an occurrence drops below the maximum number of signups permitted, a workflow sends an email to all volunteers who are in the waitlist notifying them that space is now available for signup.  The template used for this is "Waitlisted opportunity now open"

Here's the default text (with merge fields) of the email sent to all volunteers when space becomes available

Here's the default text (with merge fields) of the email sent to all volunteers when space becomes available

As the email states -- the available space will be filled up on a first come, first-served basis   (Not in the order that people were added to the waitlist).   All waitlisted volunteers are notified.

The goal of this approach is to fill available spaces and bring the occurrence back to full as quickly as possible!

Volunteers may arrive and find the occurrence is full again!

If space again becomes available - this email will be triggered again anytime there are spaces available to fill up.

Note:  If you have people on the waitlist and can handle more volunteers -- just edit the occurrence by raising the maximum number of volunteers for the occurrence. This too will trigger the 'space available' email for everyone on the waitlist.

When volunteers who were waitlisted DO signup for the opportunity - their connection is updated and they are changed to status = confirmed like any other connection.


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