Occurrence Record Advanced Email Options

In some instances of HandsOn Connect your system administrator may have enabled advanced functionality giving you the ability to suppress automated emails normally sent to volunteers and Opportunity Coordinators.  If this has been enabled in your instance of HandsOn Connect you'll see an additional section in the occurrence page layout.

System admins:  Click here for instructions on enabling Advanced Email options in your instance of HandsOn Connect.

Advanced Email Management fields:

A section of the page layout for occurrences will be labeled "Email management for this Occurrence"

In it are six checkboxes that by default will be unchecked.   When unchecked, the normal automated system emails are sent for this occurrence.

Here's what happens if you check any of these boxes as true:

  • Do NOT Send confirmation email -- Volunteers will not receive an automated email when they sign up or express interest in this occurrence.  
  • Do NOT Send reminder Email -- Volunteers will not receive an email reminding them they are signed up (normally sent 4 days before the occurrence date)
  • Do NOT Send post Opportunity Email - Volunteers will not receive an email the day after the Occurrence.  
  • Do NOT Send email of Vol. in Waitlist - Opportunity Coordinator will not receive an email each time a volunteer is added to the waitlist fo this occurrence.
  • Do NOT Send email of Volunteer Signups - Opportunity Coordinator will not receive an email each time a volunteer signs up for the occurrence.  (Note: Express Interest emails will still be sent, as its critical that the Opportunity Coordinator is alerted that they have to confirm a volunteer who has expressed interest.)
  • Do NOT Send email of Volunteer Removals - Opportunity Coordinator will not receive an email each time a volunteer is removed from this occurrence.
Advanced Email Management fields:

Reference:  Here are the email templates you'll be suppressing for date and time specific opportunities using these fields:

Do Not Send Confirmation Email:

  • Opportunity Sign up Confirmation - Affiliate Managed (full sign up)
  • Opportunity Sign-up Confirmation - Partner calendar full sign up
  • Opportunity Sign up Confirmation - Affiliate Managed - Date and Time Specific - EI
  • Opportunity Sign up Confirmation - Partner Calendar email only (express interest)

Do not send Reminder Email

  • Opportunity Reminder - Affiliate Managed
  • Opportunity Reminder - Partner Managed

Do not send Post Opportunity Email

  • Post Opportunity - Affiliate Managed
  • Post Opportunity - Partner Managed

Do not send email of Vol. in Waitlist

  • Notification of Volunteer in Wait List

Do not send email of Volunteer Signups

  • Notification of Volunteer Signups

Do not send email of Volunteer Removals

  • Notification of Volunteer Removals

Things to consider:

If these emails are suppressed globally (either by disabling workflows or via the trigger based emails that can be disabled via the control panel) - the global settings will prevail.  (i.e. These boxes may appear unchecked at the occurrence level, but this doesn't always mean the emails will be sent)

If you choose to suppress any of these emails - you may want to substitute a custom email with your own text.  These can either be manually sent or you can suppress the standard email delivery here, and create a custom workflow to send a specialized email template for this occurrence.

Note:  These email management features are primarily for use in conjunction with Date and Time Specific Opportunities.   Only the checkbox 'Do NOT send post opportunity email' will have an effect on Individually Scheduled Opportunities.

For Individually Scheduled Opportunities the post opportunity email IS sent, and it CAN be supressed by checking the 'do not send post opportunity email" checkbox.

The following Emails related to Individually Scheduled Opportunities can be disabled system-wide for ALL occurrences.  This is done by accessing the Control Panel / Workflows & Email Alerts:

  • Opportunity Sign-Up Acknowledgement. (the email sent when someone expresses interest)
  • Volunteer Status has been confirmed  (the email sent when a pending ISO connection is confirmed)
  • Volunteer Interest Notification for Express Interest Only (The email sent to the Opportunity Coordinator when a volunteer expressess interest)

For Individually Scheduled Opportunities, no automated reminder email is sent.  

HOC Email Templates alerts and workflows


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