Locations are usually created as part of the process of creating Volunteer Opportunities by using the Volunteer Opportunity Wizard, However, they can be created directly in Salesforce by clicking on the NEW button in the Locations Tab.
Locations are addresses that are specific to Volunteer Opportunities and related to the organization that use them.
To create a new location:
1) Organization is a required field. This will associate this location with the organization who uses it for their volunteer opportunities and be one of the locations they can look up and reuse in future.
2) Give the location a recognizable name that describes the building or location. (examples "YMCA Building, Room 233" or "Union Rescue Mission Warehouse"
3) Fill in the Street, City, State and Zip. Zip is required and must be looked up (its associated with a zip code table built into HandsOn Connect and regularly updated)
4) Special directions are optional and can be used for anything, but primarily its intended for:
• Driving Directions
ª Parking information
ª Transit Information
ª Anything else you want to keep track of about THIS location.
All this information will be made available to volunteers AFTER they have signed up and been confirmed for an opportunity via a link in their confirmation email (See below)
5) Do NOT fill in the Google Map URL. This will be calculated for you automatically when you save the Record.
Once a location has been saved you can:
• Click on the Google Map URL that has been generated and see the location on a map. (This URL is also sent out in emails to volunteers)
• See associated opportunities and occurrences that take place at this location
An email is sent to volunteers when they sign up for an opportunity that includes a link to the location information on the public site.
![An email is sent to volunteers when they sign up for an opportunity that includes a link to the location information:](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/982/380/original/media_1312309034138.png)
The link in the email takes them to the Location Details page which will include the address, special instructions, and a viewable Google Map from which they can get driving, walking or transit directions:
Location Details Page
Links to Location Directions also appears in the volunteer's My Account/Upcoming Opportunities
![Links to Location Directions also appears in the volunteer's My Account/Upcoming Opportunities](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/982/385/original/media_1326156364382.png)
Note for International Customers. Since International customers do not use the U.S. Zip Code table - in non-U.S. versions of HandsOn Connect - the lookup field "Zip/Postal Code" is replaced by a text field labeled 'zip code' -- which is an optional field (not required).
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