How to add 'guest' volunteers to an occurrence
Sometimes your registered volunteers will contact you notifying you that they'll be bringing guests, family, or friends with them to volunteer and they'd like you to reserve space for them.
Ideally, the volunteer would encourage their friends to sign up on the website and make a genuine connection. Alternately, they could create a team, and as team captain they could connect their volunteers themselves.
But sometimes they just call you and say, I'm bringing three friends. Sometimes they just show up with the friends at the project. You want to track the service hours of these anonymous volunteers, but don't want to create new contacts for these 'guests' -- so you can add them to the connection grid as Guest Volunteers.
How to add Guest Volunteers (Anonymous volunteers)
To do so, just put the number of guests in the Guest Volunteer column next to the person who is bringing them.
Do this by double-clicking on the 0 in the Guest Vol column, and then put in the number. The box will turn red to indicate the data has been edited.
Click SAVE CHANGES to record the changes to one or more connections. (If you do not save the changes for any values that were edited before leaving the page, the changes will be lost).
If you refresh the occurrence record (reload it by clicking on refresh on your browser), you'll see the summary info updated
Notice that in the summary here, there are only3 connections, but 6 volunteers are confirmed for this opportunity. That's counting the 3 'guests". You can administratively add connections and/or guests and bring an occurrence over its maximum number if you wish.
You can add Guest volunteers before the opportunity takes place (thereby using up some of its available slots), or add them After the Occurrence takes place.
Mary Connors
I have been able to add individuals to my occurrence, but had trouble adding a team. A team leader emailed me and gave me the name of his team and the team ID. The system would not let him sign up the team as a whole since there would be a few over the limit. I was able to add him as a team leader but could not add the whole team.
Larry Deckel
You are not able to add an entire team administratively (the way you could on the public site if their was enough room.
You have two options here:
1) increase the max number of volunteers - and then 'log in as" the team captain, and sign them up through his account. (Or email him and have him or her do it).
2) Administratively, you'll need to add each member of the team as individual connections associated with the team.
What you WANT TO DO -- which is to make a connection for the entire team at once (and perhaps have a popup dialog that gives you the names of all the team members so you can select from that on the admin side) is a great idea -- and one I would suggest you propose in the feature forum. But its not part of the current functionality.
In future -- perhaps the easiest way is to tell the team captain to sign up as many members of the team as the space allows - and send you the names of the others, who you can then connect administratively if you wish to override the max limit for the occurrence you have set.