Using the connection record to assign volunteer leaders
When the Opportunity Coordinator associated with an occurrence has the profile Volunteer Leader -- then a connection for that volunteer is automatically created, and they are designated as the Volunteer Leader for that occurrence.
However, its possible to manually add additional volunteer leaders, or promote existing contacts to be Volunteer Leaders as well.
(Volunteer Leaders are volunteers who take responsibility for managing a project on behalf of an organization, and have portal access to report attendance, email volunteers, etc.)
Create a New Connection or edit an existing connection
See this post for details on filling out a new connection record.
If the contact is already connected as a volunteer, you just need to edit their current connection
Assign the contact the role of Volunteer Leader in the ROLES field of the connection
Select Volunteer Leader from the available roles, and click on the right arrow to add this as a role this volunteer plays in this connection.
The term (VL) now appears next to the volunteer's name indicating they have a leadership role in this connection
You can assign more than one Volunteer Leader to an opportunity. Anyone assigned the role Volunteer Leader will have access to this occurrence in their Volunteer Leader Portal and will be able to communicate with volunteers, report attendance, etc.
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