Creating Multiple Connections for Individually Scheduled Opportunities
For Individually Scheduled Opportunities (ISOs), volunteers are able to schedule themselves for multiple connections (dates and times) from the public site. These are created in pending status for you to approve.
Alternatively, if you wish to schedule volunteers yourself you can create multiple connections administratively for ISOs. These connections will be in confirmed status since you are creating them. Here's how to schedule a volunteer for multiple connections to an ISO opportunity.
Click on the "Create Multiple Connections" link on the opportunity or occurrence overview
This opens the "Create Multiple Connections" page for that To Be Scheduled Volunteer Opportunity
You can create multiple connections for a volunteer by doing the following:
1. This section tells you the details of the volunteer opportunity you've selected, including its schedule and start and end date.
2. Use the lookup icon and choose the volunteer you wish to schedule
3. Pick a Day of the week, Start Time and End Time for the connections you wish to create.
4. Click the "Add Day & Time" button to add that day of the week to the schedule you are creating which appears below (5). You can add additional days and times to the schedule by picking additional days and times, and clicking on "Add Day & Time" each time until you have the full weekly schedule for the volunteer.
Note: Even though the published scheduled here is for Mondays and Friday only, you can administratively create connections for any day of the week, giving you the flexibility to schedule volunteers outside of the published weekly schedule.
6. Indicate the start date and end date of the recurring connections defined in 5.
Note: You can create connections that occur in the past or in the future or both at once. But you cannot choose dates that fall outside the start date and end date of the volunteer opportunity / occurrence as shown in the summary in section 1. If you wish to schedule outside those dates, you'll need to go to the occurrence record and adjust the start date and/or end date of the opportunity/occurrence.
7. Click "Create Connections" and the connections will be created for you and appear in the connections grid. All connections created will be in 'confirmed' status. Those for future dates will appear in the "Scheduled Attendance" tab, or any past connections will appear in the "Attendance Due" tab where you can then mark the volunteer as attended.
Note: You cannot create more than 50 connections at one time. If you need to schedule a volunteer for more than 50 connections at once, create 50 and then create 50 more separately.
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