Donation Forms

Before you can use Donation Forms

Donation Forms require that you have a Click & Pledge or PayPay account and integration configured.  Note that Click & Pledge has more features and a tighter integration with Salesforce.  The PayPal integration provides limited functionality.

Both Click & Pledge and PayPal are third-party applications and we do not provide direct support, training or maintenance for them.

Once you have a Click & Pledge or PayPay account, you must contact our support team to configure the integration with HandsOn Connect.   

For Click & Pledge, we can also help with the integration with Salesforce and the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), though there may be a fee.

Lastly, Donation Forms are an Advanced CMS Feature.  You should be comfortable using the CMS, and depending on the level of integration with Salesforce, you may need to know how Salesforce and NPSP work, as well as, the tools and features provided by Click & Pledge or PayPal.

Starting with Donation Forms

To create or edit a Donation Form, in the CMS go to AddOn -> Custom Forms -> Donation.    We'll create a Donation Form as an example, so click on Add Donation.

The first part of the form you will be familiar with since it similar to other CMS blocks:

  1. Name of the form.  Make it descriptive.
  2. The region where you want the form they appear on the page layout
  3. Title of the form (optional)
  4. Text that will appear on the button to submit the donation

In the next section of the form you can configure:

  1. Payment Processor that you are using (must be connected and configured)
  2. Payment Type (your payment processor may not support all options)
  3. Payment Options: Set if the payment should be recurring or not, and the number of payments (repetitions) (your payment processor may not support all options)

Now let's set up your Donation Amounts:

  1. You can set up multiple donation amounts for the fixed or suggested currency amounts you wish to ask for.  For each, you must include a label (e.g., Starter, Basic Level, Gold Member) and the currency amount.
  2. If you want the user to be able to enter their own amount that they wish to donate, turn on this item.
  3. Hide Title allows you to not display on the website the title "Donation Amounts" in this section of the form.  This is useful if you are using this form to collect a different type of donation, such as a membership fee or selling t-shirts.  (Note that Donation Forms are not a shopping cart system, but they can be used creatively to simulate a simple one.)

The Amounts and Recurrence settings may look something like this to the user:

The next section, General Settings, includes optional settings which are used to integrate the Donation Form with Click & Pledge and Salesforce.  You should be familiar with these items on these platforms to use them most effectively.

  1. Campaign: Name of the Campaign in Salesforce to which you want to associate the donation to.
  2. Campaign Alias: Click & Pledge takes advantage of Campaign Alias to minimize the amount of information needed for generating receipts. Through passing the Campaign Alias of a campaign page, various attributes of the Campaign page will be used when making the receipt.
  3. SKU: A SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) is a unique identifier for each item that can be purchased. Attaching SKUs to items allows organizations to track inventory easily and search for items based on an SKU. This will be helpful to organizations that have a large inventory of products, events, and donation types and need a streamlined way to manage them across multiple payment pages.
  4. Tracking Info: Parameter that you can send to Salesforce for your own information
  5. Redirect URL:  Page you want to user to go to after they submit the donation (e.g., /donation-thank-you).  Use the CMS Pages to create and provide content.

The last section, the Advanced Settings, you will also be familiar with from other CMS Blocks:

  1. Sets the order of the form on the page relative to other blocks
  2. Display Tile on website or not
  3. Display the form on website or not
  4. Where you want to display the form. Most common is "Only URLs listed below" where you would include the page URL (e.g., /donation-form)

Additional Notes

The Donation Form is the simplest piece of the donation process and the only one that is a HandsOn Connect component.  When a user completes and submits a Donation Form, it the donation is handed off to Click & Pledge (or PayPal), then processed, and then sent to Salesforce.  

For additional information and support related to Click & Pledge and Salesforce, please visit their websites.

Other uses of a Donation Form

Note that although there are creative ways to use the Donation Form, many times in combination with other modules or blocks, the support provided by the HOC team is only when used as a standard donation page.  

Here are some "creative" uses of the Donation Form:

  • If you have the Advanced Registration & Sign up Module, you can include a donation or payment form when a volunteer or partner creates an account.  It provides a simple mechanism to request an activation or a membership fee.
  • Create a very simple payment page to sell items (e.g., t-shirts, caps, project kits, event tickets) or services (e.g., consulting, membership, event registration)


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