Sample Form: Online Orientation Completion Form
Here are the elements of a form that could be placed on the final page of an 'online orientation'. This form would, when the user clicked on the submit button, update their contact record by putting a true checkmark in the field "Orientation Completed" and set the value of "Orientation Completed Date" to the date the volunteer clicked on the submit button.
A page with this form could be created as the last page in one or more 'online orientation' pages you create -- and could be used to update the contact record so the volunteer could subsequentally sign up for any volunteer opportunities that have the restriction "Orientation Required" as a requirement.
Form Configuration
Give the form a name, set its configuration as shown here:
There will be four fields added to the form. Here are the field details
1. Description Field:
This is whatever description you want to have on the form about what they are agreeing to by submitting it.
2. Checkbox Field: This field will be mapped to the Salesforce Form - Orientation Completed
3. Hidden field - this field will not be visible in the form, but will use the token s:currentDateTime to determine the current time, and then will populate this value to the contact record field "Orientation Completed Date"
4. A submit button
Advanced Option: Specify the page you wish the form to appear on.
Click on Save Form and your form is ready to use!
How the Saved Form will appear on the page:
If you are not logged in the form will not be visible:
If you are logged in, you can use and submit the form.
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