Cookie Consent Banner
You've all heard of the GDPR, right? New laws in certain countries making sure that websites alert users when cookies are being used, privacy policies, etc.
We've now added to the CMS options, the ability to place a cookie consent banner on your site! You've seen these - they are popping up on websites all over letting you know the site is using cookies. Then users dismiss them, and at least know that this site (like almost all sites these days) is using cookies to store information :-)
In your CMS, you'll now see a new option:
Go to Blocks / System Forms / Cookie Consent Banner if you wish to activate the banner:
This is off by default, but you can click 'enable cookie consent" to turn it on. You can set the background color and the text color as you wish.
We pre-populate a default cookie consent policy which is:
"Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience. If you continue browsing, we assume that you consent to our use of cookies. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy." The words 'privacy policy' are linked to the page /privacy-policy on your site.
You can edit the text that appears as you wish. (Note however that if you edit it, you can't restore the original text, so keep a copy of it.
Here's what the banner looks like on your site when its enabled. It appears on the bottom of the page and once dismissed (by clicking the x) it will not appear again in that browser for about a year. So its a one-time notification.
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