Sharing Portal Home Pages
In the Sharing Portal, the first page that is visible when a sharing portal user logs into the portal is the "Home" page. It has the URL /dashboard and is a system page that cannot be deleted.
In the CMS this page has a special characteristic that allow you to create different home page content depending on which profile a user logs in with. This allows you to have one home page for Partner Staff and another home page for Volunteer Leaders..
To Populate Home Page Content
Go to the content menu and select Pages.
Select the page called "Home"
Unique to this page is a picklist that identifies the profile of the user logging in:
All users will see a picklist called "Profile". For users who have a customized instance of HandsOn Connect, also visible may be a picklist called "Program Affiliation."
If you want all profiles to see the same page -- select "Default" and put your page content into the WYSIWYG box below.
If you wish to create separate content for individual profiles, then select the profile name, and put the content for THAT profile into the WYSIWYG editor.
You can create separate pages for each profile:
Hit Save to save the multiple versions of your Home Page.
There is a paid customization option to add an additional field to the contact record called "Program Affiliation" which will make it possible to offer additiional home page variations.
When this customization is enabled -- you'll be able to create multiple program affiliations in the contact record - and then define a home page based on a combination of profile and Program Affiliation".
If you have a business need for additional sharing portal home pages with specialized content for partners or volunteer leaders that are associated with specific programs, please open a zendesk ticket with the subject: Request for pricing for additional Sharing Portal Home Pages for programs.
In the ticket, give the details of the various programs which will need their own individualized sharing portal home pages. .
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