August, 2017 Release Notes

The August 2017 release will begin rolling out to customers the week of August 7.  The release adds a new email alert that system admins can enable if they wish Opportunity Coordinators to receive notification of the approach of the end date for an Individually Scheduled Opportunity.  There are also improvements for HOC International customerrs, and a few other improvements.  Here are the highlights.

Optional Administrative Update: New workflow available to notify partners of expiration of ISO opportunities (HOCAVV-975)

A new workflow, email alert and email template have been added to HandsOn Connect making it possible to send an email notification to a Partner-Managed Opportunity Coordinator when an ongoing Individually Scheduled Opportunity is reaching its end date. This can serve as a reminder to OC's that they may wish to extend the end date of the occurrence of this opportunity so it will continue to be published and available for volunteers to express interest.

The new workflow is named "Opportunity Expiration Notice for ISO Opportunities"
The new email alert is named "Opportunity Expiration Notice for ISO"
The new email template is named "Opportunity Expiration Notice for Individually Scheduled Opportunities"

It is up to your organization if you'd like this new email notification to be part of your system workflows. If so, this workflow needs to be manually updated by a system administrator. Here are the simple steps involved (this will take less than 5 minutes!)

1. Go to Setup / Workflows and select the workflow "Opportunity Expiration Notice for ISO Opportunities.

2. Click on the Clone Button

3. Add a '1' to the end of the rule name, so that your clone is now named "Opportunity Expiration Notice for ISO Opportun ities 1".      

Do not change anything else on this page. This will create an unmanaged version of the workflow to which you can add a time based trigger.

4. Click on "Save & Next"

5. In the 'Time-Dependent Workflow Actions' section click on 'Add Time Trigger'

6. Set the workflow time trigger to activate "7 days before Volunteer Opportunity: End Date" and click save.

7. Inside the recently created time depend action click in "Add Workflow Action" and select 'Select Existing Action'

8. Choose Action Type "Email Alert" - and select the action "Email Alert: Opportunity Expiration Notice for ISO", move it to the selected action column and click save.

9. Click on 'Done"

10.  Click on "Activate" to make the workflow active.

This workflow will automatically send an email to the Opportunity Coordinator 7 days before their opportunity reaches its end date.

The email has details on how to extend the listing, as well as best practices for working with Individually Scheduled Opportunities.  The default email template text is shown below.  (Note: You can edit the email template if you desire).  

Note. This workflow, once activated, will take effect for all newly created ISO opportunities. It will not retroactively schedule email notifications for existing ISOs.  (To force it to apply to existing opportunties - change their status to inactive, and then republish the opportunity).  

Additional Improvements made to nightly update of posting status (HOCAVV-976)

Organizations with a large number of occurrences / volunteer opportunities were finding that not all posting statuses were being updated as expected.  Adjustments have been made that should correct performance so that each night the posting status of each occurrence / opportunity is brought up to date.  (i.e. it would no longer be showed as published after the occurrence date is in the past.

The State of a location is only required for locations in the United States (HOCAVV-970)

For countries outside the United States, the requirement for a location to indicate the 'State" (in addition to the city), has been removed. State is only a required field if your default country is United States.

Check-in Sheet now supports Chinese characters (HOCAVV-944)

For International customers using chinese fonts / characters, the check-in sheet in the sharing portal will now display names that are in Chinese.


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