HOC 3.0 Release Notes - 3.0.17 (March 23 - 24)
In addition to the usual batch of performance improvements behind the scenes, here are some of the most significant fixes and improvements in this week's release:
Ability to report atttendance for the day's occurrences:
Connections that are taking place TODAY, are now displayed in the one step attendance reporting grid in the hsaring portal. This makes it possible for an opportunity coordinator or volunteer leader to actively use the portal to report attendance as volunteers arrive for the day's occurrence (if desired.)
Just use the filters to bring up connections taking place today for the opportunity you are leading - and you'll be able to mark people as attended either when they arrive, during the project itself, or afterwards. (It's also a handy way to see all the confirmed connections of the volunteers who will be arriving if you don't want to print out a paper check-in sheet :-)
Improved column structure for Report Attendance page:
The report attendance grid in the sharing portal had several columns of information that were confusing and unneeded by partners. To streamline and simplify reporting attendance, the table now only shows columns that are relevant and meaningful for reporting attendance:
- Volunteer Opportunity
- Contact
- # of Guests (editable for adding guests before reporting attendance)
- Start Time (editable)
- End Time (editable)
- Hours (editable -- so you can credit a volunteer for staying longer (or shorter) than the scheduled duration of the connection.
Note: Make any edits BEFORE marking a volunteer as attended.
Because its possible administratively to exceed the max number of connections for an occurrence, sometimes the 'available slots' for an occurrence is a negative #. (You have signed a 51st person up administratively for an opportunity with a maximum of 50).
Displaying negative slots remaining was confusing to voluteers - so now when a project is full the spots remaining will be listed as 0 instead of a negative number:
Users entering URLs into forms on the public site used to receive error messages if they didn't put http:// or https:// as part of their URL.
It's now possible to simply enter a URL as www.handsonconnect.org and not receive an error message. (The system will automatically add the http:// for the user if its not been entered :-)
We continue to bring improvements to use of the public site and the sharing portal on mobile devices:
- Calendar View on mobile now defaults to 'month view' instead of 'day view' in themes that provide a day view. (HOC3-2477)
- Prevented letters from being cut off in project details when viewing monthly calendar on a mobile device (HOC3-2480)
- Improvements to the log in widget when displayed in mobile (HOC3-2313)
On corporate pages that require an invitation code, a user who entered an invalid code simply saw no search results listed. It wasn't clear that the reason no search results were shown is that they had made a mistake in entering the invitation code.
Now - if there is not a matching invitation code, the user will be alerted "Sorry. That is not a valid invitation code"
The email sent by the system when administratively granting a volunteer profile was a bit confusing. This has been improved so its clear to the volunteer receiving the message that their account was created by administrators (and not something they inititated themselves). It also notifies them of how to set their password.
Circumstances where error resulted in sharing portal when more than 10 connections were marked as attended at once has been addressed. Its now possible to report attendance to significantly more connections at one time.
For customers migrating from 2.0 to 3.0 who still have legacy TBS opportunities in their system, we've improved the display of the project detail page for TBS opportunities so it doesn't display the start day of that long-running ongoing opportunity.
Remember: TBS opportunities are not to be extended past their current end date, and should be replaced by one of the new opportunity types "Individually Scheduled - Express Interest with Schedule" or "Individually Scheduled - Express Interest Only". These provide a much better experience for volunteers and for partners - so encourage your partners to replace their existing TBS opportunities with these improved opportunity types as soon as reasonable its reasonable.
If an opportunity is full, and the volunteer clicked on the "Add to Waiting List" button, they are put on the waiting list.
However, if they were to return to that opportunity, they would still see the "Add to Waiting List" button even if they were already on the waiting list. This enabled them to click on the button again and create a second connection (or more), with status "Waitlisted".
Now, a volunteer returning to the occurrence who is already on the waiting list, will see a notification that they are currently on the waiting list. (Unless space has opened up and a sign up button is available now). They will only be able to create one waitlisted connection.
Check-In Kiosk users reported that the color scheme for listing opportunities had shifted to a darker grey, making it difficult to read the text when checking in. This has been corrected and readability is restored.
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