HOC Release Notes (August 18, 2022)
This release provides under the hood improvements to make HOC public sites operate more efficiently when interacting with Salesforce. It also provides some bug fixes and new features as described below:
Added a new filter field labeled Organization Name with Featured Opportunity Blocks.
This option will allow you to filter your list of Volunteer Opportunities by a specific partner or your affiliate organization name. In addition, this is useful if you want to highlight volunteer opportunities for a specific partner on a dedicated page.
Added a new dashbord that will allow site administrators (CMS Access) to review which settings are enabled for their instance. The new dashboard can be accessed in the Sharing Portal after requesting access via a support case.
If you are using a custom menu in the Partner Portal the link to the dashboard will not appear and cannot be made accessible in the Partner Portal.
Added an option in the Advanced Settings of Search and Featured Opportunity Blocks to control who can view a Search or Featured Opportunity Block. Listed below are the following options to choose from:
- All Users
- Logged Users
- Unlogged Users
Fixed an issue that caused a page redirection to a 404 error page when testing the payment component in PayPal test mode.
We improved the user experience when self-reporting volunteer hours by allowing different formats for the start and end times. For example, a volunteer can enter 9:00AM, 9:00am, or 9:00 am and the system will automatically rewrite the time in the correct format.
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