HandsOn Connect DocumentationAnnouncements and Release NotesRelease NotesRelease Notes 2016 and earlierHow volunteers Express Interest for Individually Scheduled Opportunities

How volunteers Express Interest for Individually Scheduled Opportunities

Individually Scheduled Opportunities appear on the pubic site as 'express interest' opportunities.

There are two types of Individually Scheduled Opportunities (ISO)

ISO with Schedule - volunteers are shown when volunteers are needed, and can sign up for one or more dates that fall within the announced schedule of volunteer needs.  They are in pending status for these proposed 'connections' until the Opportunity Coordinator confirms their proposed volunteer schedule.

ISO express interest Only -- An Express Interest button appears, but there is no info on when volunteers are needed.  This type of opportunity just allows a volunteer to inform the posting organization that "I'm interested".  This is great for broad opportunities like "Become a Board Member" or "Keep me notified of upcoming disaster response opportunities" or Virtual Opportunities.

These opportunities don't need to have a location, as they are just an expression of interest.  What the Volunteer Coordinator chooses to do with this information is up to them, and volunteer's do not see these opportunities in their upcoming opportunities (as they don't take place at a specific date and time - Unless the opportunity coordinator decides to administratively schedule them to attend.)

Individually Scheduled Opportunities do not appear on the public site calendar - but do appear in search list view.  (They can't show up on a calendar, because they don't take place at a specific date and time -- but rather, allow the volunteer to schedule themselves, subject to the organization's approval.

In search, Individually Scheduled Opportunities appear as "Open"

This is because they don't take place at a specific date and time.   (They are flexibly scheduled for each individual)

In search, Individually Scheduled Opportunities look like the old "To Be Scheduled Opportunities"

Individually Scheduled Opportunity - Express Interest with Schedule

The Opportunity Detail Page provides specific information about when volunteers are needed.

1.  The dates when volunteers are needed are displayed.   If start date is in the past, then the text will read "Volunteers needed through...."  (see 2nd screenshot)

2.  The schedule you created is displayed so volunteers know what days and times you need volunteers each week.

3.  Messaging makes it clear that volunteers will be proposing their availability and the Opportunity leader will review and confirm the dates they wish you to attend.

A volunteer clicks on "Express Interest" to proceed.

The Opportunity Detail Page provides specific information about when volunteers are needed.

How the dates needed appear after the start date has passed.  

After clicking the Express Interest Button

You are asked "--How do you want to Express Interest?--"   and have two options:

After clicking the Express Interest Button

Choosing "For a specific date and time"

Allows you to create one date and time you wish to volunteer.   The time you choose must be within the schedule that has been listed for this opportunity.  If you propose a time outside the schedule you'll get a clear message explaining that its not a valid time.

Choosing "For a specific date and time"

Choose a date and time within the 'available time periods" and click express interest and you'll reach the opportunity sign up Success Page.

Expressing interest in a recurring pattern of dates (multiple connections)

When a volunteer selects "For a regular, recurring schedule of dates" they have an interface where they can select a day of the week, a start and ending date, and a start and End time.   They then click 'Add Date & Time" to indicate availability of that day of the week, at that time, for that period of dates.

The Day of the Week selector is 'smart' and only shows days that are part of the schedule for this opportunity.   The default dates and time period are pre-populated but can be edited by the volunteer so that they can self-schedule for any period of time within the time period you need volunteers.

Here the volunteer has chosen Monday, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. as the recurring day they wish to schedule.   Once they click "Add Day & Time" it will be added to the schedule section below.

Expressing interest in a recurring pattern of dates (multiple connections)

After clicking 'Add Date and Time" you can add additional schedules if you wish

In this case, the volunteer also wishes to volunteer on Wednesdays! And on Wednesdays they'd like to volunteer from Noon - 2 pm.

Again they click, 'add date & time"

If they wish to change a schedule, they can click 'remove'.

This allows a volunteer to see all the days and times they are proposing before they submit the schedule duration.

After clicking 'Add Date and Time" you can add additional schedules if you wish

When the schedule is complete, set the start date and end date

The start date and end date are automatically populated from today until the end date of the opportunity - but in our case we only want to volunteer on Mondays and Wednesdays through the month of May, so we  update the Start Date and End Date to reflect the duration of time we wish to volunteer for the schedule we're submitting.

After setting the Start Date and End Date - click the Express Interest button to submit your proposed scheduled to the Opportunity Leader.  The opportunity leader will then review the submitted connections and confirm , decline, or reschedule them.

When the schedule is complete, set the start date and end date

The Volunteer will then reach the 'Success" page

The volunteer will receive only one email notification that the connections they created have been submitted for approval.  (They will not get one for every connection they create during one submission).   The email template with the messaging to the volunteer can be found in setup / administration setup / communication templates / email templates.   This template is called:  "Opportunity Signup Acknowledgement for Individually Scheduled"

The opportunity coordinator will get only one email saying that the volunteer has expressed interest in one or more dates and is awaiting confirmation.  The opportunity coordinator can then log in and review the connections that have been created and simply confirm or decline them without having to contact the volunteer as to when they wish to volunteer.  The email template for this notification can be found in setup / administration setup / communication templates / email templates.  This template is called: "Volunteer Interest Notification for Individually Scheduled"

See this next article on how to review and confirm volunteers for their individually scheduled connections.

The Volunteer will then reach the 'Success" page

Individually Scheduled Opportunity - Express Interest Only

These opportunities do not have a schedule - so volunteers are just able to express interest.  When they express interest, the Opportunity Coordinator is notified.  The volunteer receives an email letting them know they will be contacted if anything further is required of them.


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