HOC Release Notes (October 27, 2022)

This release provides under the hood improvements to make HOC public sites operate more efficiently when interacting with Salesforce. It also provides some bug fixes and new features as described below:

New Features

Mobile and Tablet - Calendar default to the current day (HOC3-16436)

We introduced a new setting that will hide past occurrences on a calendar when using a mobile device. This improves the user experience by preventing excessive scrolling when viewing a calendar at the end of the month.

For example, if it's October 31st and you view a calendar with this setting disabled the calendar will display the first day of the month or October 1st. With this setting enabled you'll see Occurrences starting from October 31st.

Currently this setting is in beta. To enable this setting please open a support case. When this feature is out of beta it can managed in the Search Result Block settings.

Custom Forms - Custom Session Parameter Filter Improvements (HOC3-16593)

Implemented the ability to support multiple filters in the 'picklist options from Salesforce listview' field. This is useful if you want to filter and only show specific values from a Salesforce listview based on the values in the URL.

Ability to Edit the Verification Code Page (HOC3-16597)

To access and edit the Verification Code Page follow the steps listed below:

  1. In the CMS go to Blocks | System Forms
  2. Select Verification Code | Introduction Text

Please don't remove the token {#Email#} on this page. This token will be replaced by the user email.


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