HOC Release Notes (Nov 1, 2018)

This release has a number of improvements to strengthen the speed and reliability of integrating the public site with Salesforce.  This included fixes to avoid problems when dealing with malformed data.  

Here are a few bug fixes and improvements in this release, as well as some advanced functionality available to those with needs to customize their public site more deeply.

Bug Fix: Partner Reports menu not visible in CMS (HOC3-8350)

For those customers who were using partner reports in the sharing portal - the CMS was not showing the Partner Reports menu item in the AddsOn navigation.  This has been fixed.  

Improvements to display of CMS menu system (HOC3-8347)

Some CMS users have had problems when the number of created blocks or forms exceeds the available space on a monitor so that the entire submenu can be seen.

Improvements have been made to manage this and adjust size relative to the number of menu items displayed.

Improvement to navigating back to calendar (HOC3-8356)

In a recent release we improved the behavior when using the back button to navigate back to the calendar by ensuring that the date last viewed was returned.  However, if you were in week view, and navigated back to the calendar you were put back to month view.  Now the view state of the calendar is preserved so that you will return to the month, week  or day you previously viewed -- and in the same view mode.

For advanced users: Additional Customization available for Opportunity Detail Page (HOC3-8366)

The occurrence section of the opportunity detail page has elements and text that can be customized if desired via the CMS through Blocks / System Forms / Opportunity Detail Page.

In a previous release, we made it possible to change the 'SIgn Up" "Express Interest" buttons to links, and the "Or sign up with a team" and "Or express interest with a team" links into buttons.

We've now given additional options to show or hide elements on the page, and update the default text and labels.  

Here's the items that can now be edited or changed on opportunity detail pages.

1. You can choose to hide the display of the Opportunity Leader

2. You can choose to hide the envelope icon and the ability to email the opportunity leader.

3. You can change the text "Click here to email this contact"

4. The html text that appears can be edited.  (Different text is used by default for each opportunity type.  So be sure the text is appropriate based on the volunteer opportunity type.  You can adjust the content for each opportunity type.

5.  The Sign Up button can be changed to a link instead of a button, and the terms "Sign Up" and "Express Interest" can be changed if desired.

6.  The Sign up (or express interest) with a team link can be changed to a button, and the text can be changed if desired.

For full details on this form, see this article.

Before changing the labels and/or the Description Messages - be sure to look at the defaults so you know the recommended messaging associated with each Opportunity Type.

Also, be aware that if you rename "Sign Up" and "Express Interest" you'll probably want to update success pages and email templates to match your new terminology so people won't be confused by buttons that say one thing on the public site - and email templates and success pages using the original terminology "Thanks for expressing interest" or "Thanks for Signing Up".  

For advanced users: Shareable calendar URLs can now use date parameters (HOC3-8300)

In the course of the last year, we've made it possible to create calendar URLs that will open to a specific month, week or year.  See this article for information on how to add parameters to a /calendar URL to create a calendar that is date and view specific.

This 'advanced' feature made it possible for you to create a navigation or hyperlink item to a calendar in a specific view and date.  However -- the calendar appeared unfiltered, so there was no way to JUST show 'holiday projects" in the month of December with a simple.

Well good news - just in time for the holiday season. It's now possible to Filter a search, and using the Saved or Searchable link of the filtered search, you can now append parameters that will open that filtered search to a specific month, week or year.   For those needing this functionality, here's how to append date parameters to a saved search or shareable link:


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