HOC Release Notes (April 27, 2023)

This release provides under the hood improvements to make HOC public sites operate more efficiently when interacting with Salesforce. It also provides some bug fixes and new features as described below:

New Features

Volunteer Opportunity: Gender Requirement (HOC3-17148)

We are excited to release a new feature to Volunteer Opportunities that allows you to set a requirement by gender. This feature, when applicable, will make volunteer recruitment easier. You'll notice a new multi-select picklist field called Gender(s) Required in your SF instance. This field will be used to manage the Gender Requirement feature. In addition, the picklist values can be modified.

The Gender Requirement feature can be enabled in the Volunteer Opportunity wizard in the sharing portal. If you would like to enable this feature, please open a support case.  On the public, the gender requirement will appear on the Volunteer Opportunity Details Page as shown in the image below.

When someone who doesn't meet the requirement attempts to sign up they'll see a message similar to the one shown in the image below.

Form - Picklist from List View should support "not equal to" (HOC3-17265)

Two new field operators were added to custom forms using picklist values from a list view.

  1. Contains
  2. Not equal to


Improve the placeholder messages in the datetime fields (HOC3-17340)

Updated the default placeholder for date and time fields in custom forms to use an abbreviation instead of current date.

Bug Fixes

Partner Staff cannot upload images in the Sharing Portal wizard (HOC3-17412)

Fixed an issue that prevented partner staff contacts from uploading images in the sharing portal.

Checkbox not working in Custom Froms (HOC3-17343)

Fixed an issue that prevented contacts from updating checkbox fields in ARS forms.

Video block browse server not working (HOC3-17370)

Fixed an issue that caused a 404 error when opening the image server in the Video Block.  

LLS/HOC - Modal form shows the submit button inactive (HOC3-17397)

Fixed an issue that caused the submit button to be inactive when using the modal form.

Minimum ages missing on all opportunities (HOC3-17438)

Fixed an issue that prevented the opportunity restrictions from appearing on the Volunteer Opportunity Details Page.


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