HOC Release (Aug 22, 2019)

This release features a significant improvement to the Advanced Registration System (ARS), and internal improvements to pave the way for future features. Here's the highlights!

Advanced Registration System now supports branching logic for team signup / individual signup (HOC3-8464)

Up to now, it wasn't possible to create an ARS Workflow for opportunity signup - that allowed you to present different screens and forms for team signup, as opposed to individual signup.  (The workaround used by some was to make the first screen in the workflow ask "are you signing up as a team or as an individual" and basing the branching logic on the answer to that question.

With this release, that is no longer needed!  Branch logic now allows you to specify one branch pathway for individual signup, and another for team signup.  If you don't need separate paths for individual vs team signup, you can leave this branch logic blank (or optionally select 'both' to indicate  whether its a team signup or individual signup - go to the same next form.

Here's how it works:

At any page in the workflow, (or as may often be the case, starting with the SIGNUP page...  you can set branch logic to "Type of Signup"

Then use 'is equal to' and choose whether the branching is for Individual Signups, Teams Signups, or Both.

(Note:  You do not have to select 'both' if you don't want to for internal clarity.  If no signup criteria is selected, the workflow will proceed to the same next item in the workflow for both team and individual signup.

Then set the page to go to for Individual SIgnup, and set a branch logic for the page to go to for Team Signup.

This allows you to create a simple workflow that looks like this:

1) This new functionality will not affect any existing ARS workflows.  They will continue to function as they have before because if no signup type logic is added, the workflow remains the same for both team and individual signup.  This new feature just allows you to build more complex workflows where you present different information and/or questions to team captains than you do to individuals.

2) Remember:  That in the team workflow -- any form questions that are asked, are asked only to the team captain (and can be populated on the Team Captain connection.  The workflow does not present the same questions for each member of the team separately.

3) The workflow for team captains is presented BEFORE the team captain is asked to select (or create) their team and specify which team members will attend.   That dialog happens AFTER the ARS workflow pages are presented, and before the final success screen.

CMS:  Donation Block improvement (HOC3-9810)

Using a donation block in the ARS or Form does require you to first request that your site be configured and synched with either your Click & Pledge account or your PayPal Account.

Some clients were surprised that the donation block doesn't work - even if you haven't requested configuration or set up a click *& pledge account or a paypal account for processing your donations.  

So, for clarity sake, a message now appears if you attempt to use a donation block before having it configured and synched to your accounts:

Bug Fix:  Search Result block not returning all opportunities (HOC3-9864)

In some cases, users of the /searchresult block for opportunity search, were finding that the block would say there were 59 results, but only 50 were being displayed.

This issue has been fixed - and all opportunities that should be displayed (based on the filter selected), will now be visible.

Improvements were also made to ensuring that the default sort order defined for the block is respected.


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