HOC Release Notes (Aug 19, 2021)
This release continues our updates to improve public site accessibility and to improve performance with screen readers.
On search pages using a search result block, it's now possible to ctrl-click (windows) or command-click (Mac) the link to a volunteer opportunity detail page, and open that page in a new tab.

Minor improvement in the warning message during team sign up when only the same person (the team captain) is the one selected.
"You have not selected any of your team members for this opportunity. If this is not correct, please cancel and select the team members that are attending."
"You are the only team member selected for this opportunity. If this is not correct, please cancel and select the team members that are attending."
For HOC customers in 'Flex" model, who are using multiple contact record types, new contacts should automatically be given the contact record type that is selected as the default (rather than record type = volunteer). It was discovered that when additional team members are added to a team, the default contact record type was not being used. This has been fixed.
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