Administrator Update: Make Restrictions Apply for all Volunteer Opportunity Types
HandsOn Connect has traditionally only applied opportunity restrictions to Date & Time Specific / Full Sign Up opportunities. Opportunities with registration types of "Express Interest" "Express Interest with Schedule" and "Express Interest Only" do not currently apply restrictions when a volunteer expresses interest.
For a full discussion of this, see this post.
The overwhelming majority of HOC users have stated they WANT restrictions to apply to all opportunities. Some were even unaware that restrictions weren't being applied to Individually Scheduled Opportunities and Date *& Time Specific / Express Interest.
This article details a simple speed up you can perform, which will make all newly created opportunities of any type, honor restrictions during the signup / express interest process.
For those who wish to update their existing opportunities, created in the past, that don't honor restrictions, the second part of this article will tell you how to update those opportunities as well.
Set a default value for the Volunteer Opportunity field "Apply Restrictions to Opportunity"
1. Go to Setup / Objects / Volunteer Opportunity and select the field "Apply Restrictions to Opportunity" (Click on the field name, rather than the 'edit' button.
2. In the Values section of the page, click on the Reorder button:
3. Set "Apply Restrictions" as the default value for this field. and click the Save Button.
(now, whenever a new opportunity is created, it will be set to apply restrictions).
If you wish Express Interest opportunities (Date and Time specific, and both kinds of Individually Scheduled Opportunity) to continue to ignore restrictions, then no update to this field should be done.
Your existing opportunities that are either Date & Time Specific Express Interest, or Individually Scheduled Opportunities still are not applying restrictions. If you wish to update them you can quickly and easily to do this by creating a view to see what opportunities were created and not applying restrictions. Here's how:
1. Go to Volunteer Opportunities Tab and create a new view:
- Name it "Opportunities not applying restrictions
- Filter All Volunteer Opportunities by the field "Apply Restriction to Opportunity NOT EQUAL TO "Apply Restrictions. " (This will give you both the ones that are already set to 'do not apply restrictions' and the newer opportunities types that are currently just placing a null value in this field.
- Optional: Only update opportunities with End Date Time > TODAY
- Display Fields that give you info to determine which opportunities you want to update (see screenshot for some that may be relevant to you:
- Make it visible only to you - this is a one time use view and you needn't trouble other users with it :-)
Click Save and examine your view:
Note: you are going to find some that are missing any value in "Apply Restrictions to Opportunity" -- This is because the current workflow rules were not populating a value in this field. Its a non-critical bug that will be addressed in a future release.
Note: You will also notice that some of the Partner Managed Opportunities are missing the Registration Type! This is due to a bug that was recently found in the Administrative Volunteer Opportunity Wizard when created ISOs for partners. This bug will be fixed in an update to the VO Wizard - but if you find some of your Individually Scheduled Opportunities are missing a "Registration Type" value - you should clean this up too!
The resulting view will show you all the opportunities that currently do not have restrictions applied to them. You can leave them as they are and restrictions will still not be applied - or, one by one, you can update the value of "Apply Restrictions to Opportunity"
Note: You will also notice that SOME of the Partner Managed Opportunities are missing the Registration Type as well! This is due to a bug that was recently found in the Administrative Volunteer Opportunity Wizard when created ISOs for partners. This bug will be fixed in an update to the VO Wizard - but if you find some of your Individually Scheduled Opportunities are missing a "Registration Type" value - you should clean this up too!
By the way: If you haven't done so already - be sure to update your Volunteer Opportunity Wizard to correct this bug of the "registration type' field not being filled in for partner opportunities.
Click here for information on updating your Volunteer Opportunity Wizard to the latest version!
Unfortunately, because these two fields have dependcies - you can't edit these fields from the view itself. You need to click on each opportunity name, and then go to the fields in the record and manually update their value:
I've selected the first opportunity is this list (which doesn't have any value in this field - which means that restrictions aren't being applied), and gone to the opportunity record to update the field:
While I'm there, I'm also going to fill in the missing value for Registration type (as long as I'm cleaning up data)
1. Click on the field "Registration Type" and select a registration type.
(If the ISO had a schedule associated with it - you should update to Registration Type = Express Interest with Schedule
If it was created as an Individually Scheduled Opportunity - Express Interest Only -- then change the Registration type to "Express Interest Only".
2. Set the value of the field "Apply Restrictions to Opportunity" to "Apply Restrictions" and click OK.
3. Click Save to save the updated record.
Repeat for each volunteer opportunity you wish to convert to "Apply Restrictions".
You'll only have to do this once, as your new default value for this field will automatically apply "Apply Restrictions" to all newly created volunteer opportunities!
Power Users familiar with using the data loader may choose to do a bulk update of their volunteer opportunities to set the value of Apply Resrictions to Opportunity through a bulk upsert.
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