HOC Release Notes (Nov 25, 2021)
This release continues improvements to screen reader functionality, offers security and performance improvements, and offers new features providing User Interface improvements and additional flexibility in the CMS system.
When a volunteer clicks on the 'remove me' link on the account overview page, you're asked 'are you sure to remove yourself from this opportunity' and then you get a confirmation and are returned to the account overview page with the connection removed.

However, what if you wanted to ask additional questions about why the volunteer removed themselves? What if you wanted to ask if they wanted to be rescheduled for another date? Or why they removed themselves?
Well now you can! You can create a form, place it on a page, and REDIRECT the remove me link to go to the form you've created! To do so, go to CMS / Blocks / System Blocks / Volunteer Account Overview, and fill in the URL for the page that has your form with additional questions to ask when removing yourself from an opportunity.

Now, instead of landing on the account overview page again after removing yourself, you'll redirected to your new form page:

We recommend setting form redirection for the form, so that after submitting the form you'll be taken back to the account overview page (/volunteer-account-overview) or wherever you want the user to go next.
The user interface for selecting which opportunity to check in for, required users to click a box, and then also click on a button after selecting an occurrence. The interface has been improved so i's both clearer, and requires only one click to check-in or check-out for an occurrence. Each occurrence now has its own checkin or checkout button now.

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