HOC Release Notes (Aug 6, 2021)
This release continues our updates to make HOC more accessible to screen readers and those entering forms by tabbing through fields (rather than mousing). Forms throughout HandsOn Connect continue to be updated for ease of use. Improvements are also being made to streamline the use of API calls to avoid running up against SalesForce API limits. A number of bug fixes were implemented increasing reliability of the CMS system. A number of other internal improvements are also part of this release. Here's a new feature in this month's release that you will notice :-)
In last months release we added Google as a method of registering and logging in to HandsOn Connect. This month we add Apple as an additional social network option for registration and logging in. All HandsOn Connect sites have both Google and Apple as registration/login options, and Facebook and Linked In can be added to any public site by making a request.

When an end user cancels a payment on the payment processor's page (e.g. augthorize.bnet, paypal), the system will now return you to the previous page you were on.
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