HOC Release Notes (October 31 - November 12)


Friendly URL and Vol opp name with Emoji in Title (LHH-20202)

We’ve made adjustments to improve link sanitization for opportunities and removed emojis for a cleaner experience.

Listing Block checkbox column not showing the column header title (LHH-20368)

We fixed an issue where the column header for a Listing Block did not appear when the field type was a checkbox.

Listing Block: Hide Block with No Results (LHH-20369)

We fixed an issue where the block displayed no results, even when the setting to prevent this was enabled. When this setting is enabled on a Listing Block and there are no results, nothing should appear.

Missing Video on Mobile and Tablets (LHH-20389)

We fixed an issue that prevented videos from appearing correctly on mobile and tablets.

Listing Block columns widths in a Data Grid not working (LHH-20213)

We fixed an issue that prevented width configurations from appearing correctly in Listing Block data tables.

Listing Block: Facets and Multi-Select Picklists (LHH-20403)

We fixed an issue that prevented filter facets from working with multi-select picklist fields.


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