HOC Release Notes (April 15, 2021)
This release largely consists of internal performance improvements to HandsOn Connect including speed improvements for European clients. Here's a few bug fixes and new features/improvements in this release.
When a volunteer self-reports a connection, an email notification is sent. For singly reported connections, the email was being sent to the organization's Primary Contact, but for organizations who allow self-reporting of multiple connections, the email was sent to the organization's designated Opportunity Coordinator (the Primary Contact for Volunteer Inquiries). For consistency sake, we are now sending the email for any self-reported connection or for multiple connections, to the Opportunity Coordinator.
By default, HandsOn Connect show two icons for sharing volunteer opportunities on the opportunity description page: Facebook and Twitter. It's now possible, if desired, to also display an icon for sharing on LinkedIn, or to share via email. You can also opt whether or not to show Facebook and Twitter as sharing icons.
To change the default settings, go to CMS / System Forms / Opportunity Detail Page, and scroll to the bottom to the section "Social Networks".
These will appear as icons on the opportunity detail page.
Note: The "Email a friend" icon displays a planned maintenance page, which is internal maintenance by 'addthis.com' our sharing interface. However, you can still share by email by clicking on "Share Content" which will open your email client with a link to share that opportunity.
Users who have a lot of similarly named forms, who use the CMS's export form data to get a .csv file of data submitted in a form, can sometimes be confused by which form data belongs to which form! To make it easier to associate forms with form data, we've made visible a Form ID on each form. That form ID will be appended to the name of the form in the Export Form Data picklist so you can clearly identify which form data belongs to which form.
In some cases, locations being displayed were presenting a period after the State. Location display will now be consistent with a comma after the city, and a space between the state and zip code.
When creating a video block in the CMS, and selecting 'show title' - the title was not being displayed. This has been fixed.
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