HOC3 3.0 Release Notes - 3.0.26 (June 1, 2017)
This release continues our process of increasing the speed and reliability of HOC3. A number of under-the-hood improvements should result in faster response times for volunteers and sharing portal users. In addition, there are a number of bug fixes and improvements to site templates. Highlights are listed below:
The favicon for HOC (the little image that appears in the tab of some browsers), has been updated to a brighter, more distinctive favicon. (The previous one was rather gray and muddy). Here's what our new default favicon looks like in supported browsers.
Note: if you are a favicon fanatic - we can now accept requests to update your site's favicon. Just open a zendesk ticket and attach your desired favicon in standard .ico format.
Want a custom favicon but don't know how to create it? For a small fee we can create a favicon for you. Open a zendesk ticket and tell us what image you'd like in your custom favicon. (Keep in mind it's very small (16 x 16 or 32 x 32) and must be square!
For everyone else -- our new default favicon will meet most people's needs!
In some circumstances in the CMS, attempt to upload .gif images were met with messages saying .gif was not a supported image type. This has been corrected. You can now use .gif images in additions to .jpg and .png.
The "Express Interest" button was still appearing for date and time specific, express interest opportunities when the number of confirmed connections had reached the maximum limit. Now, the button for express interest will be properly replaced with the button to join the wait list.
Previously, if a user proposed a one-time connection where the start date and time was LATER than the end date and time - the connection would still be created. Now, connections are checked to ensure that no one starts after they finish :-) User is alerted if they put in invalid values.
For those customers using the ARS -- it is now possible to add additional pages to the Partner Registration form, including the ability to take donations or solicit payments. If you have the ARS and need to use this feature, please open a zendesk ticket.
If you do not currently have the ARS add-on, please contact [email protected] for pricing information.
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