HOC Release Notes (November 10, 2022)

This release provides under the hood improvements to make HOC public sites operate more efficiently when interacting with Salesforce. It also provides some bug fixes and new features as described below:

New Features

Filters and Forms Pre-Populate Values (HOC3-16607)

We have made it easier to filter and select default values when working with Listing Blocks, Forms, or Branch Logic.

Now when selecting a value you will see a list of possible optons as it relates to the field. For example, in the image below we can see possible values for the field Volunteer Type that we can use for the filter.

Increase File Upload Size and Improved Messaging (HOC3-16651)

We increased the file upload limit when using forms from 8MP to 20MP.  

Also, if a form has multiple file uploads, and one of them exceeds the size limit, the error will specify which file field(s) exceeded the limit.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with refreshing Listing Block Object (HOC3-16670)

Refreshing an Object to get new fields from Salesforce in a Listing Block will retain your data table configuration.

CSV Export Labels Not Aligning Correctly (HOC3-16682)

Improved the handling of the special character (") that caused the columns in the CVS export from the CMS to be misaligned.

In addition, added a new column to CSV exports to indicate the Submission Status. There will be 3 possible statuses.

  1. Submitted - the form was was submitted by the contact
  2. Save_Continue_Later - the contact selected Save and Complete Later in the form
  3. SyncError - the Contact experienced an error like missing a required field after selecting Submit or Save and Complete Later

You can export any of your custom forms in the CMS by going to ADD Ons and then Export Form Data in the CMS.


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