HOC Release Notes (June 22, 2023)

This release provides under the hood improvements to make HOC public sites operate more efficiently when interacting with Salesforce. It also provides some bug fixes and new features as described below:

New Features

Adding New Salesforce Pronouns to ARS form (HOC3-17735)

Salesforce added a new "Pronoun" and "Gender Identify" field with the Spring Release. We updated our CMS Forms to utilize these fields for Salesforce mapping. Learn more by clicking here.

Bug Fixes

Image CSS in mobile appears small (HOC3-17543)

Fixed an issue that caused images in a HTML block to appear smaller than usual on mobile devices.

Registration: Verification Code Timing Out (HOC3-17700)

To prevent the issue of the verification code timing out we increased the allocated time. This issue is typically related to when the verification code is delivered to an inbox. For example, if the mobile inbox is scheduled to sync every 15 minutes.

Payment Component: Field Changed (HOC3-17790)

Fixed an issue that caused the payment component to change from a foreign currency like AUD to USD when editing a field.


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