HOC Releases (Jan 30, 2020)
This release contains a number of under the hood improvements to HOC and groundwork for future functionality. It also contains additional improvements to accessibility for users using assisted reading devices. Below are the most visible improvements in this release, including a major new feature for the Check-in Kiosk.
For users of the check-in kiosk, its now possible to add a form that appears during checking in or checking out (or both), to get additional information from the volunteer which can be updated in either the connection record or the contact record.
When creating a form, and not mapping the form data to salesforce - users can get the form data by exporting a report from the CMS. The exported data in the .csv file however appears in the order the fields were created in the form, and not in the order they actually are presented in the form.
This has been corrected, and the .csv file will now present the exported data in the order the questions are presented in the form itself.
Here's a much requested new feature for the sharing portal. When sending emails to selected connections in the sharing portal, it's now possible to add a cc email address. This makes it possibly for an Opportunity Coordinator to get a copy of the email being sent out to volunteers.

You can add more than one cc by adding a comma "," between email addresses.
Also possible now is for a 'global cc email' to be sent so that every email sent via the sharing portal can be cc'd to a single address. This may be useful if you want your system administrator or program manager (for example), to automatically be cc'd on all emails sent from the sharing portal.
To request a global cc email address to be added to your sharing portal configuration, please open a support ticket and make the request.
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