HOC 3 Release Notes - 3.0.27 (June 8, 2017)

Along with bug fixes and improvements to the styles of several templates, this release brings HOC 3.0 users a number of improvements and options in Self-Reporting.  Thanks to United Way of St. Louis and Hosteling International for partially funding the development costs of bringing this signifiant new improvement in Self-Reporting functionality to the HOC platform so that we could have additional resources to bring these features to you sooner.  

Self-Reporting Ease of use Improvement (HOC3-2930, 3179)

1. Smart search for Organizations

Instead of a difficult to use picklist of your partner organizations, users can now 'search' for your active partners with the new smart search.  As soon as you start typing into the organization field, the list will narrow to matching partner organizations.

If you do not find a matching organization name, then you'll be presented with the option to report to an external organization (*unless you turn this option off!  See new configuration options below!)


This feature is now enabled for all HOC 3.0 Customers.


Self-Reporting new configuration options: (HOC3-3286)

Self-Reporting now can be configured to meet your organization's business needs around self-reporting. By default, no change will be made to your current self-reporting configuration, but the following new options now exist.  

If you wish to change your self-reporting options, please open a zendesk ticket and request updates to any of these configuration options:

1.  Self Reporting can be enabled or disabled for your site:

Default:  Self-Reporting is on.  

It is now possible to turn off the option for self-reporting volunteer service for opportunities not listed in your search or calendar.

2.  Self-Reporting to non-partner organizations can be enabled or disabled:

Default:  Self Reporting to non-partner organization is enabled by default.

In current self-reporting, volunteers have been able to self-report their service to organizations that are not part of your database of partner organizations.  (These can be difficult to verify, but do allow a volunteer to track their own self-reported history with their church, community center, or other organizations that are not using your partner portal).   However, you can now opt to disable reporting to non-partner organizations, so that they use self-reporting only to self-report service to your partner organizations.

When enabled, the "Don't see your organization, click here" option is not displayed.

3.  You can now limit self-reporting to a certain time period:

Default: Volunteers can self-report for any date in the past.  (ie. "No Limit")

For organizations that wish to limit how far back in time volunteers can self-report, there are now 4 limits that can be applied to the valid dates for self-reporting:

  • No Limit (default)
  • Past Year   (volunteers cannot self-report for dates more than one year in the past)
  • Past 6 months  (volunteers cannot self-report for dates more than six months in the past)
  • Past Month  (volunteers cannot self-report for dates more than a month ago)

4.  Self-Reporting can now be configured to allow submitting 'a regular schedule of dates' for the same self-reported opportunity:  (Pilot)

Default:  Off.  Volunteers can only report one date at a time.

The new ability to report a regular schedule of dates is now available in Beta for those who wish to test this new functionality. Here's how it works:

When activated, user has two choices of What they want to report:



Reporting a single, specific date works as it has in the past.

If you choose the option to report "a regular schedule of dates I've volunteered for..."   the interface changes to this:

(Note: In the screenshot above, we've also configured option 3, allowing self-reporting only for dates in past 6 months.

The user submits the name of the opportunity, the time period  (start date / end date and start time / end time) and the day or days of the week they attended.    This way - if you volunteered every Monday and Thursday for the month of May from noon - 2 pm - you can submit all those dates with one submission!

The user then clicks the "Submit for Review" button at the bottom of the page, to double check the information they are submitting.

This creates all nine self-reported opportunities with one submission!

Note: The partner organization receives just one email notification that multiple connections have been created  (instead of 8 separate notifications!)

If you wish to change your default settings to use any of these new configuration options, please open a zendesk ticket stating the configuration changes you'd like to have made to your self-reporting functionality.

Updated text on Social Login Page (HOC3-2718)

The text on the Social Login Page for volunteers (typically found in the My Accounts sub-navigation on the public site, has been updated to reflect the current social login functionality.


Bug Fix: Locations and Express Interest Only Opportunities (HOC3-3236)

It was discovered that when la new location was created for Individually Scheduled / Express Interest Only opportunities in the sharing portal, that the new location was not created and associated with the opportunity.  This has been resolved.  (Note: Locations are optional for Express Interest Only opportunities)

Maximum Age Now validated for Volunteer Opportunities (HOC3-3255)

For those clients who desire to set a 'maximum age' for volunteers for a volunteer opportunity, the maximum age field is now supported and validated during opportunity signup on the public site. Any volunteer older than the maximum age will receive the message "Sorry, the maximum age for this opportunity is XXX"


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